Chapter 35

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"Sirius! Are you here?" Nova shouted throughout the dark house. The dimly lit residence was eerily quiet before Nova's ears picked up the sound of clattering pots and pans. Nova walked swiftly towards the kitchen with Remus following closely behind.

"Sirius! Come on! What are you doing in the kitchen? Last time, you almost burnt the damn thing to the... ground." Nova trailed off as she spotted the thin frame of Astra Black. "Oh. It's you. Where's Sirius?"

"Hello Nova." Astra greeted. "Sirius is upstairs cleaning the bedrooms. By now he's probably on the fourth one up the stairs to your left. You'll probably be able to hear him."

"Alright. Thanks." Nova replied curtly before dashing up the stairs. Indeed, she could hear multiple crashes and curses from the fourth bedroom in the hall. Just as she was going to open the door, Sirius came crashing through. The force sent both of them to the floor.

"What the hell are you doing, Sirius!" Nova exclaimed as he landed on top of her. "Get off you big lug!"

"Whoops! Sorry Nova!" Sirius exclaimed before getting to his feet and holding his hands out to her. She gladly accepted the help, got up, and brushed off her black jeans.

"What in the world caused you to come flying out of there like a bat out of hell?!" Nova inquired before moving him aside to see for herself.

She peered into the dust infested room. Seeing noting of immediate threat, she stepped in. Nova put her hands on her hips and turned to Sirius.

"Honestly. What is the problem?" Nova asked skeptically.

"Nova! Be careful! There's a boggart in there!" Sirius warned her urgently. The man was hoping to get her out of the room before the boggart reappeared. Nova's eyes widened for a moment before turning and walking out of the room.

"Damn that was close. I don't think I could see all that again." Nova muttered as Sirius shut the door.

"You alright, Nova?" Sirius questioned as he gripped the woman's shoulder.

"Yeah. I'd be worse if I saw that bloody thing. Thanks."

"No problem! Anyway, why are you here?" Sirius inquired. "Not that I don't like seeing you."

"Well, I thought you'd like to get out of the house for a while." Nova replied.

"Nova, have you by chance forgotten that I am a wanted criminal? I can't just prance about in broad daylight." Sirius deadpanned.

"Sirius, the people we're going to meet don't know that you're technically a criminal. We're going on an adventure! Just like the good old days!" Nova explained a bit. She didn't want to reveal anything big in case of prying ears anywhere.

"Oh really now?" Sirius asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh yes." Nova replied. "Pack your bags, Sirius! We're going to the desert this time!"

"Alrighty then. See you downstairs, Nova." Sirius replied with a smirk.

"See ya!"Nova chirped and went to find Remus.

She found him in the sitting room talking with Astra over a bit of coffee.

"Sirius is packing. Hopefully he'll be smart about it and not take any sort of winter clothes along." Nova said and sat down in one of the many chairs.

"I see. Though he isn't that dull, Nova. He was second best at astronomy in our year. Second to only you." Remus replied with a small smile.

"Yeah yeah. Why'd you have to remind me?" Nova joked then schooled herself and turned towards Astra. "How've you been?"

"I've been alright. Glad that I came out of hiding and to see you all again." The dark haired woman responded with the smallest of smiles.

"Listen, Astra. I don't fully trust you yet. I did once and you disappeared when we all needed each other the most. I won't let Sirius and Remus be hurt by anymore sudden disappearing acts." Nova stated bluntly. "It may take some time. Be patient."

"That's all I ask for, Nova." Astra replied. She opened her mouth to say more, but the trio heard thumping  coming from the stairs. They turned to see Sirius coming down the stairs with a backpack.

"Hey, you ready to go?" He asked Nova.

"Yup." She responded and stood up. They headed towards the door before Nova stopped and turned around. Remus wasn't following. Catching her confused glance, he turned to her.

"Nova someone has to stay here and help Astra get everything ready for this summer." Remus said. "You have Sirius for back up in case things turn awry. I don't doubt you two can do this by yourselves. However immature you two can be at times, you are both quite capable magic folk."

"Fine, Remus. You be careful, alright?" Nova replied before cruching her brother in a hug.

"You as well, Nova." He murmured and returned her bone crushing hug.

They parted and Nova and Sirius walked out the door and to the street where they could apparate.

"Alright, let's apparate to the Burrow first. I stored our old brooms there. I don't think either of us want to walk though a desert, do you?" Nova chuckled as she saw the disgruntled look on Sirius' face. "See you at the Burrow!"

Nova popped away, Sirius following soon after. They walked up the path and to the door after steadying themselves. When they knocked, a familiar woman with flaming red hair opened the door.

"Nova! What a pleasant surprise!" She engulfed the younger woman in a hug. Molly glanced behind Nova and saw Sirius. "Aren't you supposed to be at Grimmauld Place?"

"Don't worry, Molly. I'm taking him on a field trip!" Nova exclaimed.

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching?" Molly question in her mother-like tone. Nova gulped a bit before responding.

"Yes, Molly, but some important business came up and needed to be handled urgently." Nova responded quietly. "We just came by to let you know that Remus and Astra are currently holding down the fort. And to also get the brooms I stored here earlier this summer."

"Ah, I see." Molly replied. "Well don't kill each other and be careful, then!"

"Will do, Molly!" Nova exclaimed and waved.

"Off you go, you two! And remember to hurry back before the summer!" 

"Hopefully, this won't take too long. So we should see you by then. See you later, Molly!" Nova replied and she and Sirius hurried towards the broom shed to take off.

"Do you really think it'll take until spring?" Sirius asked her.

"Most likely. Someone is not just going to give up their most prized possession to a stranger who says they need it."

"True. Alright. Ready to take off?"


I am so sorry for not updating this sooner! I did have it all written, but forgot to type it up! Anyways, my finals are tomorrow and Friday, yay. Can you just hear the excitement oozing from my voice? There will most likely be an update before Christmas. Have a nice rest of your day, night, evening, morning, etc. Hufflepuff out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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