Chapter 1

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Nova sat looking out the window of the train compartment she had found on the Hogwarts Express when she heard the door slide open. The white haired woman looked up to see a small girl with wild red hair and a face full of freckles along with two others standing outside the door.

"Do you mind if we join you, Miss?" She asked, pushing a lock of red hair out of her face. "Everywhere else is full."

Nova nodded and the girl came and sat down. Her friends were following suit shortly after. Now that she had a better view she could see the other girl had a head full of platinum blonde hair and dreamy looking eyes. The only boy in the compartment sported some familiar brunette locks and brown eyes.

"No offense, but you look a little old to be a student." The girl with blonde hair bluntly pointed out as she took her seat. Nova noticed that she seemed to be holding an issue of the Quibbler.

"You'd be correct, I'm not a student, no offense taken. I'm to be a teacher at Hogwarts this year." Nova replied with a chuckle.

"Oh. That's nice." The familiar looking boy said. 

"You look quite familiar. Might I ask who your parents are?" Nova inquired the boy.

"Erm... Alice and Frank Longbottom, Miss. I'm Neville Longbottom." He replied awkwardly, holding out his hand.

"Call me Nova. Miss makes me sound old." Nova chuckled and shook Neville's hand. "I remember Alice. She always managed to make me smile. We shared a dorm along with Lily and Marlene. It's nice to meet her son."

"You went to Hogwarts, too?" The red head asked curiously.

"I did. While I went there I caused my fair share of trouble." Nova replied with a wink. " What's your name?"

"I'm Ginny Weasley and this is Luna Lovegood." Ginny said referring to the blonde with the dreamy eyes.

"It's nice to meet you all. What year are you in?" Nova inquired as the train rattled on.

"Well I'm in my first year, but I met Luna and Neville trying to find a compartment." Ginny answered and looked to the others.

"We're third years." Luna replied in a soft voice. Neville nodded along with her.

"Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you all in class. But if you don't mind, I'm going to take a nap before we get there." Nova says and leaned against the window before closing her eyes.

Half an hour later, Ginny turned to Luna and Neville. The pair was discussing what kind of candy they thought was the best.

"She has really pretty hair." Ginny comments pointing out the woman's snowy hair.

"Yeah, and did you see her eyes?"  Luna replied in her dreamy voice.

"They were purple." Neville said. "What subject do you suppose she'll be teaching?"

Ginny was going to respond but was interrupted by the train suddenly coming to a harsh stop. The teens looked around in confusion as the lights seemed to grow dimmer and frost started creeping up the window. After a few seconds they could even see clouds of their breath forming in the air as they breathed.

"What's going on?" Ginny squeaked as the temperature continued to descend.

"I don't know... but something's moving out there." Neville nervously replied from his position at the window. 

A dark shadow slid into view outside the frosted glass of the compartment's door. The wooden door slid open silently and revealed the dark creature on the other side. Neville couldn't help the sharp intake of breath he took as he saw the tattered cloak the creature wore.

A minute later the dementor still hadn't moved from the compartment entrance. It remained there as if it was rooted to the spot.

Nova suddenly shot up from her spot, her eyes wild. Then she spotted the dementor and rushed to push the teenagers behind her before she pointed her wand at the creature.

"Expecto Patronum!" She cried and the bright spell to the shape of a large dog as it chase the dark creature away.

"Are you guys alright?" She asked as she turned around to make sure the teenagers behind her were alright.

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