The Crossing

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"They're... They look exactly the same!"


Lee Jaemin, June 13th

"Well duh," Raebyung said, rolling her eyes.

"I almost forgot!!!" I said randomly.

"What, what!!?"

"Today is BTS' anniversary!!"

"Aish, you gave me a scare. I thought you were gonna say you did find your soulmate, and it wasn't Kim Taehyung. I was going to scold you for forgetting you met your soulmate."

"Sorry!" I giggled.

"Don't you need to go back to work?" I asked, glancing over Raebyung's shoulder to see her boss eyeing her down.

"Aish. Yeah, I do. Sorry, Jaemin! Gotta go, now. I can feel my boss giving me the death glare," she stood up from her seat.

"Bye, Raebyung!" I exclaimed, standing up myself. I waved my hand and walked out the cafe as she went back to work. I finished my iced coffee and threw the cup away.

I decided to just walk around for a while before going back home. 'I need to buy a new wallet,' I thought to myself, thinking about my current one, which was very dirty and too small.

I walked into a shop I knew sold good wallets for a cheap price. After about 10 minutes of looking around, I found the perfect one.

"Here is your change. Thank you! Come back soon!"

I placed the wallet into my mini backpack before leaving the store. I decided to get a sandwich for breakfast.

After I had eaten the sandwich and having a mini fruit salad, I left that cafe or restaurant, whichever, with a full and happy stomach.

I didn't want to look at anyone so I kept my eyes on the ground, not even noticing someone was about to slam into me. Well, until they actually did.

I stumbled backwards before regaining my composure. Huh, Taekwondo really helps.

"I am so sorry," I said, looking at the person I bumped into, noticing a man was already looking at me. Weirdly, he was wearing a mask and head that covered his whole face except his eyes.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to bump into you," I frowned.

"Agh... Yes, what about you?" The man asked. His voice sounded awfully familiar. Like I heard it multiple times before... I nodded my head before turning away.

I began walking again, but started slowing down, feeling like someone was watching me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the same man following me.

I sped up my steps and I heard his footsteps speeding up as well. I fastened my pace and soon broke into a run. I threw another look back and saw him gaining on me.

I ran even faster, pushing my legs. I turned the corner but was yanked back. Surpringly though, it wasn't a rough yank, it was gentle.

Gentle enough to make me stop running but not rough enough to make me fall.

"AHH!!" I screamed. I pushed his hands off and turned around to face the man.

"Why are you following me!!!!" I exclaimed.

"Do you... not feel it?" He asked.

"Feel what!?"

"The pull..."

"Um, no?! Stop following me or I'll call the police!" I threatened, knowing I didn't sound at all threatening.

"I can see your soulmate tattoo. Look at mine," the man said before he crouched down and pulled the cuff of his pants up, revealing the top of his soulmate sign.

I quietly gasped. This was... No, it can't be... He pulled his sock down and the same exact blue flower on my ankle was on his.

"Kim... Kim Taehyung?" I whispered.

The Blue Flower (Soulmate AU) ~Taehyung FF~Where stories live. Discover now