The Sweet

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"(You... Why... You were doing that?)"


Kim Taehyung, September 25th

I pursed my lips as the audience quieted down.

They trying to hear what was being said.

"(God, you're so sweet.)" Jaemin smiled, pulling me into a hug.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and put my face into her neck, blushing very hard.

The audience began squealing.

"(Guys, last question he searched up was "What are some necklaces you should give to your soulmate?" Isn't our V so kind?)" I heard Jimin say behind me.

When did he even get my phone??

The audience erupted in 'aww's and 'cute's!

"(Stop it, you're going to make me jealous! Back to the game before I cry!! Body part!)" Jimmy exclaimed.

"(Leg.)" Jimin answered immediately.

"(That's great! Birthday wish as a kid.)"

"(To be a famous, well-known, rich actor.)" Jaemin laughed.

"(That's so true! Birthday wish as an adult?)"

"(I wish we didn't have to pay debt?)"

I didn't really know how to answer it, but I did know many people had trouble paying debts. Everyone started laughing and cheering.

"(Hm, nickname for a motorcycle biker.)"

"(Ooh, it's going to have to be Lil Johnny Boi! And make sure there's an 'i' and not a 'y' for Boy!)"

"(I feel so bad for my cue card guy every time we play this game, oh my goodness. These answers are the best I've ever heard! Even better than John Cena and Jon Hamm! Sorry not sorry boys, but it's the truth!!)" Jimmy chuckled, looking at the cameras.

"(Okay, best pick up line?)"

"(Sorry for my language, but hell yes. Always wanted to say this one! This is the best pick-up line I've ever heard. Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.)" Jimin glanced at me as he spoke.

I grinned as I heard those words. I said that to Jaemin before in front of all the others to embarrass her.

"(That's beautiful!! Alright, we filled out the words for our scene, good luck to my cue card guy. Ready to perform the scene?)"

"(Of course!)" We all replied. The crowd cheered and we followed Jimmy to the middle of the studio floor.

There was a set that was designed to look like the inside of an airplane.

"(Actually, we need a few other people. Just six. You'll be acting as passengers on an actual airplane.)"

About a minute later, the audience began cheering as Yoongi, Namjoon, Chin-sun, Jungkook, Raebyung and Seokjin walked and sat down in the passenger seats.

"(We'll start when we get back from commercial! We'll all be flight attendants! All you have to do is stay in character as you read the script.

The lines you'll be reading are the ones listed by your name. You'll have time to prepare for it before we get back from commercials and advertisements!)" Jimmy told Jimin, me and Jaemin.

"(Got it, thank you Mr. Jimmy!)" Jaemin smiled.

"(No need for the mister part, we're all friends! Okay, when you see the sign over there that says "ON AIR" turn green, that's when we'll be starting!)"

The Blue Flower (Soulmate AU) ~Taehyung FF~Where stories live. Discover now