The Proposition

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"Kim... Kim Taehyung?" She whispered.


Lee Jaemin, June 13th

He looked up at the mention of his name. "Yes, that's me," he said, taking off his mask to reveal a grin. I stepped back in surprise. WAIT.

"HOLD ON. You're telling me, that I am the one and only Kim-fucking-Taehyung's soulmate?!" I exclaimed.

"SHHHHH!!!" He hushed me. I shut my mouth.

"This has to be a dream. It has to be, holy motherfucking crap," I rushed, grasping my hair by the roots and pacing around.

"Pinch me," I said seriously, staring into Taehyung's eyes. I could honestly just drown, and die in them.

"I don't want to hurt yo-"

"Don't give me that bullshit, just pinch me," I interrupted, holding my arm out. Taehyung sighed loudly and slowly put his two fingers on my arm, lightly pinching me.

I felt a pinch and dropped my arm in surprise.

"OH WOW. Okay so this is real... How am I your soulmate? Like I dreamed of meeting my soulmate, and even imagined what would happen if they were you- Ohmygod why am I telling you this?" I exclaimed, loudly taking a deep breath in.

"Uh... We can get situated and maybe get a chance to know each other?" Taehyung asked slowly. I stood still, staring with shocked eyes at the middle of his two eyes.

What? Get a chance to know each other... get a chance to know more about Kim Taehyung? But I already know a lot about him and the other six members.

"Ahem, but you probably know a lot about me anyways so why don't I just get to know you?" A deep voice drew me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and regained composure.

"Well, you can tell me things about you too! Even if I know it. It would be... nice," I said softly, almost like a whisper. Taehyung gave me his signature boxy smile, slipping his mask back on.

We sat down at a table near us, seeing as we were in front of the same cafe I had just gotten coffee from. We made small talk, formally introducing ourselves, as we made our way down the streets.

"Do you want coffee?" We asked at the same time. We shook our heads no.

"No, I already had some this morning, thank you," we also said simultaneously. We laughed together. I glanced through the window and saw Raebyung staring at us with a bright smile.

I sent her a small wink and saw her gasp in surprise and start jumping around. Her boss scolded her and put her back to work, and I let another laugh out.

"What happened??" Taehyung asked.

"My friend works here, and she just got in trouble with her boss!" I chuckled.

"Mm. So your friend is an employee at this cafe?" I nodded my head before turning back to the window.

I noticed Raebyung kept glancing back at us and smiling. I turned back to Taehyung.

"Anyway... How has your day been?" I asked.

"Well, I was up at 4:30 in the morning and woke some of the others up... I didn't even realize what time it was. I was just really excited."

"Excited for what?" I laughed.

"Um, well today is our debut anniversary. And... uh..."

"And uh, what?" I mocked jokingly.

"I think I was more excited to meet... you..." He mumbles. I blinked. And I blinked again.

"Uh ignore what I just said please. Act like I never said anything about that. Anyway. How has your day been?"

"Other than meeting you and finding out I'm your soulmate," I said, whispering that last part, "-I've been enjoying it."

"Ah. I have an idea."


"How about we each ask each other questions and the both of us have to answer it?"

"Psh, that's such a typical game that you play on a date. Why don't we just-"

"You consider this a date?" Taehyung asked.

I froze.

"Date? Did I say date? I mean day out with your soulmate! Hahaha... shit," I laughed sheepishly and looked to the side, away from Taehyung.

God, why did you have to make me like this?

"You know... This can be a date. If you want," Taehyung said. "Like, you know- A "get-to-know-each-other" date. We can still play that game I brought up!"

"Okay... Whatever you want."

"Petal, it's up to you. Not me. I'm just the person who presented this idea. You get to decide if it goes through. Or not."

I widened my eyes at the pet name. Petal? Did he say that just because of our soulmate sign? Damn.

"Then let's play!"

The Blue Flower (Soulmate AU) ~Taehyung FF~Where stories live. Discover now