The Unveiling

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"Kim... Kim Taehyung?" I whispered.


Kim Taehyung, June 13th

I woke up and jumped out of bed, holding my hands up. "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, GUYS!!!!" I shouted as loud as I could.

"Ugh..." Jimin stirred in his sleep. "Hmm." Seokjin mumbled, half-asleep. Jungkook didn't make any noise. Of course he wouldn't, he's pretty hard to wake up.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!" I shouted again. "Happy anniversary," Jimin yawned. "Anniversary happy-" Seokjin burped.

"Eww! Hyung, excuse yourself!!" I exclaimed. He sighed and waved his hand around. "Excuse me," he smacked his lips, still half asleep.

"Let's go wake up everyone else!!"

"Taehyung. It's literally 4:30 in the morning, quiet down!" Jimin scolded. My smile slowly disappeared.

"4... 4:30?" I whispered.

"Yup. Now shut it and go back to sleep!!!" He answered. I sighed loudly.

"But I can't go back to sleep!" I whined.

"Then be by yourself and leave us alone!! We've barely gotten any time to ourselves these days, and we're trying to enjoy it while it lasts." Seokjin exasperated.

"But today is our one day off!!! You have all day to!" I said.

"Goodnight Taehyung," he said.

"But it's the morning!"

"Good morning Taehyung, and goodbye."

I pouted, although nobody could see it because 1, the lights are off, and 2, everyone had gone back to sleep. I sighed again.

Guess I could just stay on my phone until the sun comes up, and then I can walk around. Yay, an hour of being alone. I guess I woke up so early because I was excited to meet my soulmate or something.

What does she look like? What is she like? Is she nice, or is she obnoxious like a lot of girls I meet? Does she like the same things I do?

What if she didn't like me? Ohmygod what would I do if my feelings for her weren't reciprocated? What if she didn't know me at all?

That would be great because she wouldn't like me just because I had money and fame... I really wanted to meet her.

I heard from Seokjin that he could feel that he was near his soulmate before they actually met. I could sort of feel it, but it was very faint.

It was just a small tug coming from my right ankle.

The other members said that they can feel the heat radiating from me, just like them when their sign was acting up. That means my soulmate was somewhere in near here.

Where could she be?

After about an hour of just playing on my phone, eating snacks from the kitchen and lying on the couch, it was finally 5:30, and I saw a hint of sunlight shining through the window.

I posted a note on my bedroom door saying I was going to be out for a while. I slipped on my shoes, a mask and a hat, and walked out the dorms.

What shops sell good coffee this early in the morning...

Twenty minutes later...

I walked out the cafe with a cup of coffee in my hands. I went to the nearest mall and shopped around for like, 3 hours coming out with nothing but 7 plushies.

I wanted to get a stuffed animal for all of the other members, and one for my soulmate.

Speaking of soulmates... I wanted to find mine. Fast.

I pulled out my phone and posted a message, saying that I feel that my soulmate has received her sign and I am asking all of the girls that have just gotten their sign in their ankle to try and come to the upcoming concert.

I let out a breath of... something. Relief? No. Maybe anticipation. Yeah, that sounds right.

After a few minutes of window shopping, I felt the pull from my soulmate sign grow even more intense, and it definitely did not go unnoticed by others.

'She's extremely close,' I thought to myself. I stood in the same place for a few seconds, to see if she was coming closer or not.

The pull I felt began controlling my body.

What the heck is it doing??? I don't like this. I don't like not feeling in control of my body... My legs started to move on its own, quickly walking forward.

Suddenly it took a turn to the right and I almost fell forward but my feet caught itself. After a few minutes of this, I abruptly stopped walking. I was frozen in shock, but got over it after I stood still.

The pull from my ankle was still there, and this time, it was at its strongest. I began walking, eying my legs so I could be prepared when it would start acting on its own again.

I accidentally slammed my shoulder into someone. I quickly turned to the side, catching myself in the process, to check on who I had bumped into.

It was a girl.

She hadn't fallen, so she was okay. "I am so sorry," she said, looking at me with worried eyes. For some reason, my ankle began throbbing and trying to push me towards the girl. Why was it...

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to bump into you," she mumbled. "Agh... Yes, what about you?" I stuttered. She nodded her head before turning away.

My body started walking towards her, and I hadn't even realized it until the girl started running. I ran faster and caught up to her just as she turned the corner.

I caught her shoulder to keep her in place. She screamed in surprise, shoving my hands off and turning around to face me.

"Why are you following me!!!!" She exclaimed.

"Do you... not feel it?" I asked.

"Feel what!?"

"The pull..."

"Um, no?! Stop following me or I'll call the police!" She threatened.

"I can see your soulmate tattoo. Look at mine," I said before crouching down and pulling the cuff of my pants up, revealing the top of my soulmate sign. She quietly gasped as she saw it.

"Kim... Kim Taehyung?" She whispered.


edit: yk, going back in this story and editing everything makes me cringe so hard. WHY WAS MY GRAMMAR SO BAD AND WHY WAS I WRITING FANFICS IN SIXTH GRADE.
- june 21, 2023

The Blue Flower (Soulmate AU) ~Taehyung FF~Where stories live. Discover now