The Game

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"Then let's play!"


Lee Jaemin, June 13th

We stared at each other with a playful look.

"Ask a question already, dumbo," I said after a few minutes of silence. "Oh, I thought you were going to!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"If I was, I would have done it 5 minutes ago!! Hurry up and ask a question."

"Okay, geez. Umm... How is your relationship with your family?"

"Well, my dad is usually at work, so I don't see him as often as my mother. We're all pretty busy anyway, but we try to make time for each other."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that..."

"No need. I have a feeling that all will be revealed. Soon, anyways," I said, grimly.

Taehyung slightly nodded his head.

"My family is doing pretty great, I think. I'm not able to talk to them very often, but I know they're not having any problems."

I nodded my head. "Hm... My question is how stressful is being in BTS?" I asked.

"Honestly, it's not stressful, but at the same time it is. I love performing and acting for everyone, but I get tired a lot and sometimes get sleep deprived.

I don't really care though, as long as ARMY is satisfied and happy. I would do anything for them. Well, not anything, but... you know what I mean."

I smiled. "I can't exactly answer it. I'm not in BTS! But, I hope that you can still keep a happy and normal life. You know, without fans chasing after you..."

"I'm used to it, so no need to hope!" Taehyung grinned. I pouted my lips and looked down at the table.

"Yah don't do that," he said. I looked up at him and frowned. "Don't do what??" I asked.

"Don't pout like that, or give me that look. It's making my heart feel weird." I blushed at his words, and I knew I looked like a fricking tomato.

"Moving on! What's your favorite color?" He exclaimed.

"Hm... I have multiple, but I think my favorite is like, purple. Or a bright blue or red, or white or black. I don't know! So let's just say all those colors I said are my favorite!" I answer.

"I like black, white, and purple as well! But I love green too."

The game continued until we basically knew the basics about each other. Favorite color, favorite animal, favorite style of clothing, favorite thing to do, favorite ice cream flavor, and so on.

I think that was the most fun date I've ever went on. Even if we didn't go to an amusement park or something. It was nice getting to know Taehyung.

After we had finished our little date, we left the cafe. I waved goodbye to Raebyung. "Do you want me to walk you home?" Taehyung asked.

"Um... if that's okay with you?" I smile softly. He smiled and, out of nowhere, grabbed my hand.

"Hope you don't mind."

I looked away, blushing. "Stop blushing, Jaemin. You're not a schoolgirl," I scolded myself. After a few minutes, we'd reached my house.

"Ready to meet my mom?" I turned to look at Taehyung.

"Nope, but let's do it!" He exclaimed.

"Taehyung, this is between you and me. I'm letting you know where the extra key is, so you can come into the house for emergencies," I said. He nodded his head.

I crouched down and lifted our welcome mat. And no, it's not under the welcome mat. Not really, anyways.

I pulled up the perfectly hidden trapdoor to a small compartment and grabbed the key before closing everything up and putting the mat down. I put the key into the front door lock and twisted it, opening the door at the same time.

"Eomma! I'm home!" I called out.

"Come inside!!" She answered.

"I want you to meet someone," I said, stepping into the house. I gestured for Taehyung to come inside. We took our shoes off and walked deeper into the house.

"Who is it?" My mom asked. She was in the kitchen, probably making some food. Taehyung took his mask and hat off, placing it onto our dinner table.

"My soulmate!"


"Eomma!! You're embarrassing me!! Just leave the kitchen and see who it is," I pouted. Taehyung held in a laugh but he was covering his mouth.

I gave him a playful shove right before my mom had walked into the living room.

"HOLY-! Kim Taehyung!?" She exclaimed. He bowed his head.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Mrs. Lee. My name is Kim Taehyung," he said respectfully.

"You don't need to be so respectful. YOU'RE MY SON ALREADY!!! You're so handsome and my daughter is so beautiful! YOU'D MAKE GREAT GRANDCHILDREN-"


"Okay, okay!!" She said, holding her hands up in surrender. I headpalmed myself, covering my face in embarrassment. Suddenly, my hands were removed from my face, and Taehyung was right in front of me.

"Don't cover yourself, your mom is right. You are very beautiful."

"Oh you're such a flirt!!" I exclaimed, blushing like crazy. For the third time today.

"But you like this flirt, don't you?" He said, leaning closer to my face.

"Okay I want grandchildren... But don't make them in front of me!!!" Eomma shouted, covering her eyes.



edit: i'm trying to get over the cringe
- june 24, 2023

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