The Precious

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"Well, I kind of want to know how everyone met each other."


Park Jimin, September 25th

"Well, I kind of want to know how everyone met each other. Their soulmates, I mean. Let's just go around and tell the stories," Jaemin suggested.

"I guess we can start first, and then we'll go clockwise," Jin spoke. The group hummed in agreement.

"Not too impressive, but Hwami and I met on a cruise.

At first, I was pretty scared to be on the boat since it was rocking violently, so while everyone else was looking at whales or whatever there was to look at, I was walking back to my room.

At the same time, I felt this urge to walk faster and I thought that it was just me being a scaredy-cat. That was when Hwami entered the scene.

She was getting drinks for her and her friends and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, so I crashed into her. The drinks flew everywhere, raining down on both of us, but I didn't care for it at that moment.

Because I just hurt someone, you know? When I went to check on her, we noticed the halo next to each other's eyes and realized we were soulmates!

Of course, I paid for all the drinks that she was bringing to her friends after we both stood up and apologized to each other.

After a few hours, we saw each other again and finally spoke about being soulmates," Jin smiled at the memories.

"Geez hyung, hours?" Yoongi shook his head in disappointment.

"Yah, Hwami didn't do anything either!" Jin complained.

"Don't put this on me!" The girl mentioned put her hands up in surrender.

"Okay well, our turn!" Hyorin exclaimed.

"We actually met at a fan meet. Namjoon was the first person I'd meet, and then Hoseok next to him. I was hiding my soulmate sign with a few strands of hair.

When I had just sat down in front of Joonie, this hyper girl that was next in line got too excited and she shoved me aside.

I hit my head on the edge of the table," she paused because everyone else started gasping at the thought of the that before continuing.

"-and Hoseok, who was right in front of me at this time, felt the pain too.

At this point, I had totally forgotten about my soulmate sign. I was sort of too focused on dealing with the head pain. The hair that I had strategically placed over my sign to hide it slipped away and my sign was viewable.

Namjoon, being the IQ 148 guy, recognized the sign on my cheek. He put two and two together, and was the one who privately told Hoseok I was his soulmate.

First words this idiot said to me were, "Are you okay? I'm your soulmate and I felt your pain." Thank god he didn't shout it out!" She exclaimed.

We began laughing at her last statement.

"Well, did you recover from it?" Juna asked.

"Well duh, why else would I have still been at the fan meet to talk to him." Hwami rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Okay calm down." The other giggled.

"Well, at least you didn't get a concussion when you met your soulmate. I was wearing long sleeves that day, so no one could see my soulmate sign.

Namjoon and I shoved into each other as we were on the street, and our heads were the first that touched each other. Because we were shoved together pretty roughly, I fell over and the back of my head hit the concrete.

The Blue Flower (Soulmate AU) ~Taehyung FF~Where stories live. Discover now