The Airport

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"Need help?"


Kim Taehyung, September 1st

I leaned against the stair rails, hands in my pockets while looking at Jaemin glare at the them, suitcase in hand. I could tell she was going to have trouble since she had a full backpack as well.

She yelped in surprise and jumped back from the stairs. "Taehyung!?" She asked. I spread my arms out and bowed, smiling. "What are you doing here!" She exclaimed.

"Um, seeing if you needed help?" I answered.

"Oh, well that was obvious. But, no I don't need your help." Jaemin shook her head no. I raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.

She heaved and picked up the suit case with her two hands. Slowly but surely, with a lot of grumbling, she made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Anyway..."

"I'm here to pick you up as well."

"I didn't even realize half an hour passed. Well, I need to bring two more things down and I'll be done!" Jaemin shot a finger gun at me. I nodded my head and she ran upstairs.

After a few minutes, she came back downstairs with an empty suitcase. And a wallet.

"Yah, what's the wallet for?" I asked, pointing at it.

"Um, buying things?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I'm buying things for you, so you can put your wallet back upstairs."

"Are you serious?"

I raised my eyebrow again and stared her down. She rolled her eyes and went back upstairs grumbling to herself.

"And hurry up or we're going to be late!!!!"

"Bring my suitcase in the car or whatever, I'll bring the empty one and my backpack."

"Okay!" I replied, grabbing her suitcase and rolling it out the front door. Behind me, I heard footsteps running down the stairs.

I opened the van's back doors and lifted the suitcase onto it. A few seconds later, Jaemin rushed out the door with her backpack on her back and the suitcase in hand.

She placed it into the back and kept her backpack with her. "How long is the drive?" She asked.

"Hm, an hour, maybe and a half."

"Oh. Well, get prepared to hear me snore and see me drool," Jaemin said, climbing into the van. I stepped in after her. We sat down in our seats and buckled ourselves in.

"I don't mind, just sleep on my shoulder."

"No, that's disgusting!! I'd drool on your shoulder!"

I shrugged.

"I can't just wipe it off?"

"It will soak the fabric or whatever."

"Oh well," I said, grabbing the side of her head and placing it on my shoulder.

"Oh well," Jaemin imitated in a deep voice. I laughed and put my head on top of hers. I felt movement and glanced down to see what she was doing.

Jaemin brought her phone out and plugged in her earbuds, setting up a song while slipping in the buds or whatever it's called.

I closed my eyes and smiled, enjoying her warmth and listening to the faint sound of her music.

After a while, she fell asleep on my shoulder. I leaned back so she could lie on my lap comfortably. I plugged in her phone to charge and did the same to mine.

I leaned back into the seat and fell asleep as well. A while later, I awoke to someone roughly shaking me. I shot my eyes open to see Jaemin.

"We're here! Let's go, let's go!!" She exclaims, rushing out the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt and followed her.

We took our suitcases out the back and rolled it into the airport, bodyguard and all, along with masks and hats.

"We are going to Gate 13, I think the others are behind us. They are also bringing their soulmates, so you won't be alone!"


"Also, Jungkook has a surprise, and he wants us to be the first people to know."

"Wait what?"

I smirked as she stared at me in confusion.

"Why me?" She groaned.

"What's wrong?"

"You always gotta leave me in suspense."

"Don't worry, it won't be too long."

"Better not be." She grumbled.

I laughed and we continued walking. When we got through the lines to put our suitcases on the airport, we went straight for the gate.

"I'm going to get breakfast. Don't let anyone take my seat!" Jaemin exclaimed when she set her things down at her chair. She ran off before I could say anything.

I smiled as I watched her run off. Wait. How is she going to pay... "That sneaky little-"

"Taehyung-ah, who are you talking to?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see all of the members. "No one!" I exclaim.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow and I quickly turned back to my chair, blushing furiously. "The girls are going to be here in like, two minutes. Where is Jaemin??" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know, hyung. She isn't here," I said, sitting down. I grabbed my phone and texted Jaemin.

Min-min 💕

Monday, 8:41 AM

Hey, can you pretend that you don't
know me?

Because I want to pull a prank on
the boys.

Read 8:42 AM


I smiled and set my phone down in my lap, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps next to me and the sound of the seat material moving.

I opened my eyes and saw multiple familiar girls. "Hi noonas!" I said immediately, waving my hand and acknowledging them before closing my eyes again.

Later, I heard more rustling in the seat behind me. Jaemin came back. I heard a paper bag rustle as well and knew it was her Chick-Fil-A.

"I thought you said Jaemin was coming with us? Taehyung, the plane is boarding soon. If we take off without her, she'll lose her chance to go on tour!" Hobi exclaimed.

"I know. I know. She said work came up, and unfortunately she won't be able to make the flight," I sighed.

"9:30 AM flight 287, Gate 13, flying from Seoul, South Korea to New York, United States, Group A, please board your plane."

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