The Trap

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"That's why," Chin-sun laughed, giving me a knowing smile.


Lee Jaemin, September 25th

As I was walking towards Raebyung's room, I saw Namjoon stepping out of it. He smiled and nodded his head, so I bowed a little and waved back.

I knocked on the door and Raebyung opened it. "Hey, Minnie! The rest of the girls are here, and they are getting changed right now," She smiled.

I walked inside and saw that Juna was already in her dress. "You already showered?" I widened my eyes, staring at her wet hair.

"Yeah, why didn't you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I shifted around uncomfortably, moving my shirt to cover the hickeys Taehyung had given me. Then, she gasped loudly.

"He didn't!!! Ohmygahd he did!!" She exclaimed, rushing forward. She took the collar of my shirt and pulled it to the side, revealing the dark colored spots near my neck.

"Girls... I think there's a little somethin' somethin' you need to see here..." Juna grinned. "No!" I whined, pulling away. She didn't let go of the collar.

Instead, she pulled me back towards her.

The four other girls stepped forward, curious as to why I was making a fuss. "Taehyung gave you hickeys!?" Hyorin exclaimed immediately. "Yeah..." I blushed.

"Oh-ho-ho!! We might just get back at him!" She cackled. I frowned at her laugh, but shook it off.

"Hurry up and take a shower, we'll be making a plan." Chin-sun grinned, pushing me towards the bathroom.

I sighed as I walked into it. I took about a 20 minute shower and placed my undergarments on before I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Don't put the dress on yet! We're gonna do something to you. Now open the door please." Raebyung said.

I unlocked and slid the door open, revealing the five girls, all of them holding make-up and beauty stuff in their hands. "Don't tell me..." I mumbled.

"We're going to give you the makeover of the century!!" Juna squealed. Chin-sun pulled me out of the bathroom and sat me down in front of the body length mirror they had set up.

"We'll make sure those hickeys are... Meh, we'll just tell you later," Hyerin giggled.

"Should I be scared? No, I probably won't be scared. Let me rephrase that. Should I be freaking out at the moment?" I asked.

"Well, it depends on how you feel about us making sure the world can see the hickeys, and at the same time, making sure Taehyung understands what we mean when we do this," Chin-sun replied.

"You said what," I whispered blankly, my shock not setting in yet as my brain still had to process the words.

"No, please don't do that. What if Taehyung gets criticism for it!" I squeaked.

"All the boys get criticism for everything they do. What's the difference if he's giving hickeys to his girlfriend and soulmate?" Juna shrugged.

Do they not care about the boys' reputation?

"I know what you're thinking, and yes, we do care about how people percieve them. But hickeys are a natural thing you do.

Yes, it might make people think you've had sex, but that's also sort of a natural thing. And have you seen the fan fiction that exists?" Hwa-mi laughed wholeheartedly.

"RIGHT?! Plus, you're his soulmate, and you're practically adults! Why wouldn't you be allowed to get intimate with each other?" Hyorin added.

"And, shouldn't people just assume that all the members have had sex before?

They have a high sex appeal too, girls literally fall head over heels when they do the Baepsae choreography. As in, they faint. Drop to the floor. Practically dead. Drooling. Screaming-"

"Okay I get it!" I exclaimed, interrupting Raebyung. She giggled when I had, which is something I'm not too surprised at.

"Yeah, and since all seven members are so hot or whatever, clearly they've lost their 'v-card' somewhere in the past few years," Juna grinned.

"Are you girls okay with that?" I asked. I know I am. They all shrugged.

"It's their life, so it's their decision. I don't really mind if the men have sex before meeting us," Hwa-mi smiled.

"I dunno, I just don't want to have anything bad happen to Tae." I shrugged.

"Oh wait, totally forgot we were doing your makeup!" Chin-sun widened her eyes, quickly picking up a brush and dabbing it over a color.

Hyo-rin immediately bumped her aside.

"Girl no! She needs the perfect color! His favorite color is apparently gray at the moment, but sadly it changes frequently, so let's just go off the color of your dress." She exclaimed.

"It's black!" Raebyung grinned.

Of course she would know, she's the one who lent it to me to wear tonight. I didn't know I would be going on any shows, so I didn't bring any actual nice clothes.

"Oh, well then, that's perfect! Taehyung's hair color is black right now, so it would be amazing if we did a smokey gray eye shadow look on your eyes. Hwa-mi unnie, can you do that?" She asked.

"Honey, since when did I ever learn how to do that shit? Raebyung's the makeup guru here," Hwa-mi rolled her eyes.

"Step aside, young lady, it's my time to shine!!" Raebyung smirked. Hwa-mi dropped her jaw at Raebyung's words, widening her eyes.

I pursued my lips and raised my eyebrows, looking between the two and feeling the tension rise.

The Blue Flower (Soulmate AU) ~Taehyung FF~Where stories live. Discover now