Chapter 2 - Found

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She had no idea why she had said that out loud and apparently, they were not impressed as they both barked at her and the scream she had struggled to find a moment ago suddenly tore from her throat as she turned to run. She knew it was pointless the size of the beast's would make catching her a doddle but her instincts to survive had kicked in.

A cry escaped her lips when the silver beast was suddenly in front of her stopping her mid-run, she turned frantically but she already knew the brown beast would be behind her. "Please." She didn't know who she was begging but the plead fell from her lips none the less.

She watched as the two wolves looked at each other almost like they were communicating, then the silver wolf began to stalk toward her once more. "No." She breathed as her eyes flitted between the two beasts. Her heart was thundering against her breast plate, every hair on her body stood on end and the panic which had been seated in her stomach suddenly flooded her veins.

The silver beast pulled back his lips showing its long canines as a loud growl filled the air. "Oh God please, please no." her voice was nothing but a whimper as she stared at the silver beast and for a second she could have sworn she saw it smile at her pleas. The beast lunged forward teeth bared a savage growl followed before the beast made a lunge for her. "STOP!" She screamed at the beast as she covered her face and fell into a ball on the floor in an attempt to protect herself.

She waited for death. Nothing. She knew the animals were still there so she was unsure as to why she hadn't already been eaten! She looked up tentatively eyeing the silver wolf who had apparently just stopped and was looking confused, if a wolf could look confused.

Her eyes darted between the two animals. Suddenly she felt a new wave of fear as the brown and silver wolves began to change. She couldn't tear her eyes away as the two magnificent beasts shifted, their bones cracking and suddenly instead of two wolves standing before her there were two very naked men.

"Why did you stop!" The man who stood where the brown beast had been bellowed.

"I don't know." The other man responded eyeing Alina like she was a freak. "She told me to." He growled sounding unimpressed with himself.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm telling you Kylan she ordered it and I couldn't continue." The silver man, yes that was the name she was giving him, huffed.

"Fine!" The man named Kyle began walking toward Alina his hand moving forward, panic set it and without thought she backed away and found herself screaming at the man named Kylan.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" To her utter disbelief and, by the looks of Kylan's face his too, he stopped.

"No. Fucking. Way." Kylan looked at Alina like he had just found shit on his shoe, then with a slight incline of his head the next thing I knew someone was behind me and clamped a large hand over her mouth. Kylan growled when he tried to step forward. "Wyatt you will have to help Max, turns out I still can't touch her." He growled and immediately the man he had called Wyatt, the once silver wolf, bound toward Alina and grabbed at my legs which I started kicking out. Max, well that is who Alina assumed was behind her was struggling to keep the grip against my mouth, something which Kylan appeared to notice. "For fuck sake Max, do not let your hand slip from her mouth!"

"Sorry Beta." His voice sounded young as he gripped her tighter one hand across her mouth and the other across her chest. Kylan said nothing but nodded at her abductor behind her.

"Let's get her back to the pack house, the Alpha needs to see this." Alina was still struggling and the man called Max tightened his grip suddenly Alina felt her air being cut off. She tried her to struggle against him but she was losing the ability to do so the last thing she heard before she blacked out was Kylan's angry voice. "Fuck sake Max stop her talking don't' suffocate her!"


Ryder was frustrated as hell; the rogues were trying to infiltrate his pack on a daily basis now none of them succeeded but it was becoming tiresome. Ryder rose from his seat and turned to the window his wolf moaning to be let out.

Let's go for a run his wolf almost pleaded. Ryder took a deep breath in an attempt to shut Magnar, his wolf, out.

He was 31 too old to not have a mate, the longer he remained mate-less the more feral he would become he could already feel his control of his wolf waning and part of him was almost to the point of giving up. Perhaps he was only meant to be wolf, perhaps Magnar was the one who was supposed to live their lives not him.

He was already feared more than most Alpha's due to his animalistic behaviours, he had the reputation of kill first ask questions later and it hadn't gone unnoticed by the council either. They were breathing own his neck about giving himself over to them so they could try and control the 'beast within'. This was not something that sat well with Ryder or Magnar.

The doors to his study flew open his Beta and Wyatt waltzing in. "I did NOT give you permission to enter!" He boomed at their blatant disrespect. The two men bowed their heads showing their necks as a sign of submission.

"Apologies Alpha but this is important." His Beta responded without looking up.

"It better be now speak." But before his Beta could say anything a smell filled his senses, it wasn't a scent he was used to but there was something about it which had Magnar suddenly poking his head up. "Who is the female I smell." He growled.

"She is the reason we barged in." His Beta stood tall again whilst Wyatt still remained bowed with his neck bared.

"Why can I smell her on both of you!" Ryder wasn't sure why suddenly he felt like he wanted to rip the heads off of both their shoulders but the fact he could smell her scent on both of them had his blood boiling.

"She was in the wood, we thought she was a rogue but...." His Beta trailed off.

"Wyatt!" Ryder barked.

"Yes Alpha."

"Leave." Wyatt did as he was told and closed the door behind him. "Kylan speak fast my patience wears thin."

"Ryder, she has the Goddess' tongue." Kylan finally answered and for a second he sounded serious. Ryder lent his head back and laughed long and loud. "Ryder I'm serious I haven't been able to touch her since she told me not to." Kylan ground out.

Good, Magnar growled.

"When Wyatt moved to attack she told him to stop and he did, mid-attack he just stopped." Kylan was the one who began to sound frustrated now.

"Take me to her." Ryder commanded, with a quick nod of his head Kylan proceeded to leave the study with Ryder behind him.

Hurry, hurry! Magnar was excited and trying desperately to push himself forward so he was the one in control.

Kylan walked briskly a pace Ryder was easily able to keep up but his mind was drifting, the scent of someone unfamiliar became stronger there was something intoxicating about. It smelled of fresh woodland mixed with honey suckle and lavender and it was driving Magnar mad.

Kylan opened the door to one of the cells in the basement the scent wafted out and hit him like a punch to the gut.

Nearly there! Hurry I need to see! Magnar was jumping around in his mind like a mad wolf.

"She's in there, she's gagged." Kylan advised without apology.

Ryder walked into the dark room the light from the door flooding in a single stream highlighting the small bundle hunched against the wall. Slowly her eyes looked up at him as he took a step toward her.

Yes, yes, yes! She's here!


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