Chapter 22 - Hurt

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Kylan sat on one of the many benches outside of the pack house, the ache he had felt when he had first met Isabella was growing. His wolf had been more than angry when he had seen the blood on her beautiful wolf but she had quickly dismissed his concern when he had tried to make sure she had her wounds tended to. Then there was Tobias.

Kylan had never had an interest in kids but the moment his eyes had fell on the pair he had fell in love with the both of them. His wolf wanted nothing more than to protect the two beings in this world he could call his and yet she shut him out. Hunter had been howling in his head ever since the first time they had met, he should have mated with her now, should have her by his side and yet since the attack he hadn't seen her.

"Beta." He smiled at Marion who he hadn't heard join him.

"Marion." He greeted her, she looked displeased with him and he laughed half-heartedly as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Sorry, M." He corrected.

"I'm assuming this is about your mate." She said relaxing and leaning back on the bench.

"I don't understand M, how could she have been here all along and I hadn't found her?" It was the same question he had asked himself over and over again, he had never smelled her scent, he had never laid eyes on her and yet here she had been. How long for? How long had she been right under his nose and he hadn't noticed?

You don't deserve her, Hunter huffed and Kylan had to agree.

"We can't know everything Kylan." She smiled at him placing her hand on his shoulder.

"You're supposed to be able to find your mate M." He raked his hand through his sandy locks. "She was right here and I couldn't even sense her."

"Ever wondered why?" Marion asked him, he turned to look at her.

"What are you getting at M?" Kylan asked.

"Kylan you have Alpha genes, you should have been an Alpha and yet here you are acting the Beta. It doesn't mean your Alpha genes don't exist. You should have been able to detect her from a mile away and yet...."

"Yes I failed M, I am acutely aware of this." He huffed standing up and beginning to pace.

"That's not what I meant Kylan." She said standing with him. "You should have been able to sense her, why couldn't you?" She stopped him from pacing her hands on her hips, hell she wasn't an Alpha but this woman could hold her own and Kylan wasn't about to challenge her. "Something must have interfered Kylan."

"Something? Like what? Perhaps I am not-"

"Now you listen hear Beta Kylan, I have known you since you were a pup. You could have been an Alpha and you would have been a great one, don't get me wrong I am pleased you stayed by Ryder's side but you are a good man, wolf and leader and for you not to have found your mate means something is wrong in this pack." She was wagging her finger at him her anger evident not only in her tone but her demeanour. "Now think pup! Why wouldn't you be able to sense your mate?"

Kylan was about to give her some form of half assed response but a familiar scent filled his nostrils. He whipped his head around seeking the reason for the scent. "Toby?" He whispered more to himself.

"Toby?" Marion repeated but he could see the moment she could smell him too. Suddenly Toby's pure white wolf was bounding toward them, in his mouth a small backpack, he didn't stop running at full speed until he reached Kylan.

"Toby!" Kylan couldn't help the smile on his face and immediately bent down to stroke the wolfs head. Tobias began to shift, Marion had taken the bag from his mouth and was pulling out clothes for the kid to put on. He was shivering, so Kylan bent down to help him dress more quickly. "Where's your mum Toby?" Kylan asked helping Tobias into his sweatpants.

"Mum, she said..." Tobias was out of breath, a sense of dread washed over Kylan as he kneeled so he was the same height as Tobias.

"She said what Toby?" Kylan's heart was thundering against his breast plate.

"Catch your breath sweet heart." Marion told Tobias shooting Kylan a stern look. Kylan walked Tobias over to the bench and sat him next to him waiting for Tobias to gain his breath. "What did your mother say?" Marion asked but Tobias didn't look at her, his eyes were on Kylan. Kylan saw the hurt in his eyes and wanted to remove it but he had to hear the kid out.

"Grandpa, he hurts mum." Tobias told him, his eyes cold as he spoke the words, Kylan felt the same anger as Tobias and was ready to kill anyone who hurt his mate. "Mum said he is hurting the Luna too and he has Wolfs Bain." Tobias suddenly stood in-between Kylan's legs his gaze firm. "I said we would save her Beta." Kylan could feel the anxiety and anger rolling off Tobias in waves and without thought he pulled Tobias closer and hugged him. "Please save my mamma." Tobias cried on Kylan's shoulder as he wrapped his small arms around Kylan's neck.

"I swear to you I'll save her son." He promised Tobias as he lifted him. Tobias wrapped himself around Kylan, though Kylan had no intention of letting Tobias go until it was necessary he needed to comfort him.

"The Luna." Marion breathed as they made their way into the house.

"Mum made me promise." Tobias was sobbing as Kylan made his way toward Ryder's office.

"Promise what Toby?" Kylan asked him as they entered Ryder's office, Quillon, Aine and Ryder all fell silent as they entered.

"To not look back no matter what." Tobias was full on crying his sobs wracking though his tiny form each sob like a sucker punch to Kylan's stomach. "But I...I did..." He hiccupped. "And grandpa.....grandpa he....he-"

"Shhhh, it's okay Toby I've got you."

"But he hurts her." 

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