Chapter 19 - Taken

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Quillon stood, he could smell the Alpha, what the hell was he doing here? Quillon closed his eyes and let his wolf senses take over, he opened his eyes when he knew exactly where he was.

"Woah! Dude your eyes just change-" Quillon growled at the young guy effectively quieting him and making his way to where he could sense Alpha Ryder.

He waded his way through the crowd and finally reached a darkened corner of the room, there sat Alpha Ryder alone. Quillon stormed over to him anger pulsating through him, didn't he know what he was doing to Alina?

"Alpha." Quillon greet him in a clipped tone as he sat down, it appeared the Alpha hadn't even noticed his presence.

"Quillon, the thief of my heart." Ryder chided him raising his glass to Quillon. Quillon stared at the Alpha, he looked terrible, bags were under his eyes, his hair was a mess he looked like he hadn't changed out of his clothes for days.

"Alpha look at me." Quillon demanded, Ryder growled at him but complied anyway, his eyes were black, his wolf was in charge. "Magnar." Quillon greet the wolf.

"I should tear you apart for taking Ina." The wolf seethed.

"You forced her to leave." Quillon reminded him. "Why are you here? This is human territory."

"I thought if I could smell a human then maybe it would hurt a little less." His eyes flashed green when he spoke this time, so Ryder was still in there somewhere.

"Wait, you're here to smell other humans?" Quillon stood up looking desperately around the club.

"Why else would I..." Ryder's voice trailed off before he too stood. "She's here." More green had began to flood his eyes.

"Yeah and you're so fucked you didn't notice but she did." Quillon growled. "Fuck where is she?" He muttered the latter to himself.

"You lost her!" His green eyes were turning again.

"Apparently she felt your bond she left to go to the ladies." Quillon snapped making his way to where he believed the ladies rest room was, Ryder was close behind. The two of them made it outside the ladies toilets, there were so many of them queueing how the hell were they going to get in there.

A woman of about 35 walked out of the ladies and eyed both Quillon and Ryder. "Well hello handsome men! My night just got better." She beamed drunkly. Ryder grabbed the woman by the shoulders.

"Is there a young woman in there, brunette, beautiful?" Ryder demanded, the woman's eyes bulged at the contact. Quillon stepped in and removed Ryder.

"Ryder calm down." Quillon told him before smiling at the woman. "Apologies my friend is just worried for his lady, did you see a brunette about 5"6, wearing jeans and a black top? She said she hadn't been feeling well." He tried to charm the woman and luckily it appeared to be working.

"Sure." She winked at him, he felt Ryder begin to move but he stood in front of the woman.

"Where did you see her doll?" He winked back at her.

"She didn't look good, I asked if she was okay, she said she was but she left the ladies after that, I think she muttered about needing air." The woman was leaning more forward as she spoke to Quillon.

"Thank you sweetheart." He smiled, turning back round to a very worried looking Ryder. "Let's go Ryder." He placed his hand on the Alpha's shoulder and moved him forward but Ryder stopped.

"Wait!" Ryder stopped then took off like a fucking mad man toward the fire exit with Quillon close behind. The alley way was empty but Ryder continued to look frantically.

"Ryder." Ryder ignored him, "Ryder." But nothing as Ryder continued to search the alley like an idiot. "Magnar, get your human side under fucking control!" Quillon shouted, Ryder stilled and turned to face Quillon his eyes black.

"She was here warrior." Magnar spoke.

"I know I can smell her." Quillon sighed, he hadn't expected Magnar to grab him by the throat and thrust him against the wall.

"I can smell her on you!" He seethed his body trembling as the human side of Ryder tried to keep control.

"I have been protecting her Alpha nothing more, I have a mate." He tried to assure Ryder who was losing his battle with Magnar.

"She is mine!" Ryder began to shift.

"Magnar, do not shift here." Quillon tried to say the words louder but the damned wolf was gripping his throat like a vice.

"Where is she!" He commanded and Quillon couldn't help but obey him.

"I don't know, I was just asked to watch over her!"

"By who?"

"Me Magnar, now put Quillon down." Aine appeared her hand reaching out toward Ryder's shoulder, instantly he let Quillon down taking deep breaths.

"She was here." Ryder was back his eyes green and lost in their own depths of pain. Aine stepped forward and slapped Ryder hard in the face.

"Pull yourself together Alpha." She hissed at him, Ryder looked shocked but said nothing. "Quillon I told you-"

"I was watching her Aine but then this idiot-"

"Someone else was here." Ryder cut in, the alcohol clearly wearing off, it didn't last long on wolves and it lasted even less time on Alpha's.

"Who?" Quillon demanded.

"I don't know they masked their smell." Ryder let out a growl. "Fuck!" He screamed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He thrust his hands through his hair. "I did this to protect her, I let her go to make sure....I killed a part of myself so this wouldn't happen." He was ranting like a mad man, the wolf was too much for him.

"We all make mistakes Alpha but you need to get a grip so we can bring your Luna home." Aine stated, Quillon could have shook her and kissed her at the same time, she was right but the Alpha was in no fit state to be ridiculed he was hurting. "We need to get to your pack and find her." Ryder nodded toward her. "Then let's go Lassie, we got places to go, people to kill and a Luna to find." She smiled walking out of the alley. Quillon moved to follow but Ryder stopped him.

"Thank you." Ryder said.

"I did it for the Luna." Quillon nodded.

"I don't care why you did it Quillon, I just care that you did." Ryder told him.

"She remembers you Ryder, she doesn't know it's you, but she remembers." Quillon wanted to give the Alpha something, anything to hold on to. Ryder said nothing but Quillon saw the hope flash through his eyes.

"I need something from you, I know I have no right to ask but I'm asking." Ryder looked determined, Quillon nodded he would do anything for the Alpha as long as his Luna was bound to him. "If she dies...." Ryder took a shuddering breath at the thought. "Then you kill me Quillon." Quillon opened his mouth to argue but Ryder wouldn't let him. "You kill me Quillon, look at me, I am a wreck and will hurt someone innocent and I knew she was alive imagine the kind of beast I would be if I knew she were no longer breathing."


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