Chapter 27 - A Debt Paid

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Ryder looked across from his desk at Alpha Radolph and Andrus. Alina had been back home for a week, she was still sleeping in the room opposite him and he hadn't kissed her again but Magnar had hung back since his offer to get rid of Ryder, which Ryder was still pissed at.

Kylan stood by his side, Isabella had almost completely recovered though she would still bare scars from her ordeal, something Ryder knew Kylan still hadn't forgiven him for and he couldn't blame him, though he also couldn't show weakness.

"What is it you want Alpha Radolph?" Ryder asked with a bored tone looking between him and the Beta who sat before him. He knew that Joshua was in the pack house somewhere but honestly he was in no mood to entertain the pup who had hugged his mate in front of him.

"Word reached us that your Luna was taken and-"

"She's back home." Was all Ryder said cutting the man off.

"Yes, well with the increase of rogues and because you helped me even though I deceived you, I wanted to extend to you several of my pack warriors and my son to support your pack." Radolph offered with sincerity.

"And what do you get out of this?" Ryder asked.

"A debt paid." Radolph responded. Ryder knew the Alpha didn't like to be indebted to him and the truth was he could use more warriors, that would perhaps allow Kylan more time to be with Isabella and alleviate some of his stresses, after all he had a son to consider now to with Tobias.

"Agreed." Ryder rose, the conversation was over. He wasn't happy about having Joshua around his pack or his mate but Alina was barely talking to him right now perhaps this would at least get her to speak to him. Besides he was pretty sure Alina didn't have feelings like that toward Joshua, well at least he hoped to hell she didn't.

Radolph smiled with relief, he was probably pleased that he no longer would be indebted to Ryder and honestly so was Ryder, he didn't like Radolph. "I will send twenty warriors to you, I am assuming Quillon the rogue is still with your pack?"

"He is, he is my Luna's Guardian." Ryder stated and watched Radolph's eyes widen. In order for Quillon to be a Guardian he had to make a blood oath to Alina, it wasn't something Ryder was too pleased about it meant that they had a connection he and Alina would never share but he trusted no one other than Quillon to protect his mate.

"He has been a rogue for over a hundred years Alpha, be careful." Radolph finally spoke as he too stood, Ryder knew why Radolph was cautious but he had seen the admiration Quillon had for his Luna and knew he would die to protect her.

"I trust you know the way out." Ryder nodded toward him effectively ending the discussion, he needed to see Alina, he hadn't seen her since yesterday and knowing that Joshua was here was unnerving him.

"Thank you Alpha." Radolph nodded as to did Andrus before the two left. Ryder could practically feel the anxiety around Kylan.

"Kylan, go be with your mate." Ryder smiled at his friend who for a second looked like he had considered smiling back before he thought better of it and with a curt nod left the room.

Marion, I need you in my office please. He asked his aunt who appeared shortly after.

"Alpha." She greeted shutting the door behind her and sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

"How is she?" He asked hating how weak he sounded.

"She's....doing better." Marion answered looking at him with pity, he hated it, he was the Alpha no one should be looking at him the way his aunt was right now. "Don't Ryder, I'm your aunt, I am not judging here." She tried to sooth him but it didn't help the way he felt. "Ryder James Lyall, stop feeling sorry for yourself or so help me I will clip you round the ear like I did when you were a pup." She was growling at him as she rose from the chair and lent her hands against his desk. "She needs you to be strong, the pack needs you to be strong, stop pussy footing about and fix your relationship with Alina."

"It's not that simple M she doesn't want to be around me."

"Bullshit!" She yelled at him, sure she was his aunt but she had some Alpha genes and she was using them now. "She is hurting, she is hurting because of what you did and she is hurting because she is not with you."

"What do you suggest I do M?"

"Firstly, she needs to be back in your room. Start with that and go from there." His aunt huffed folding her arms across her chest.

"It's not that eas-"

"It's not fucking meant to be Ryder, nothing worth having is."


His aunt had been right, he needed to sort things with Alina, she was his and since she had been back she was acting like just another member of the pack. He had spoken with Quillon, he knew that she would be anxious when he approached her and told her he needed her in his bed, what he did not need was Quillon storming in to try and stop him. Quillon hadn't been as supportive as he would have liked but had agreed none the less. Now it was just a waiting game.

It was gone midnight when he heard her footsteps and smelled her intoxicating scent in the hallway, he rose from his seat on the bed and opened the door his heart pounding in his chest when he saw her.

"Ina." He called softly, she turned to face him a slight flush on her cheeks. "Please we need to talk." He implored stepping sideways from the door to allow her access to their room. She said nothing, just simply nodded and entered the open door. She walked halfway in to the room, he watched as she took a deep breath before she turned to face him once he had closed the door.

"Yes Alpha." She smiled at him though it didn't reach her eyes.

"Ina, please don't." He took a step toward her and relished in the fact she didn't step back. "I'm your mate."


"Ina, I miss you." He was in front of her in seconds cupping her face his hands basically swallowing her petite features. "I miss you so much, you belong here-"

"I am here Ryder." She sighed her brown eyes turning darker at their proximity.

"No, heart, here in our room, in our bed." He lent forward and kissed her forehead. "You should fall asleep in my arms and wake up in them."


"I hate that my scent is so weak on you heart, you're mine, I know I made mistakes, that I broke us that I broke your heart but I broke myself too." He told her kissing her head again, moving his kisses down her face to her cheeks. "I know you can't forgive me yet but I need you Ina." When he felt her tears fall he kissed them too. "Please, heart, please."

"I miss you too." She cried her lips seeking out his.  

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