Chapter 24 - Torture

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"Luna, I'm so, so sorry." Isabella cried as she looked at Alina tied like a rabid dog, her mouth covered, legs and arms bound. The Luna was looking upon her with sympathetic eyes, she couldn't speak because of the tape. "Do you think, do you think you could get closer I might be able to remove the tape." Isabella asked her. The Luna nodded and began to shuffle toward Isabella, when she was close enough Isabella leaned forward on the chain that held her neck, breathing was difficult but she had to help Alina. She reached forward and grabbed the tape before yanking it from the Luna's mouth. "On my gosh, thank you, thank you so much!" Alina smiled moving back to her original spot allowing Isabella to do the same and gain her breath.

"No problem Luna." She smiled at her.

"Why do people keep calling me that?"

"Alina, do you not remember?" Isabella asked finding a more comfortable way of standing without being strangled to death.

"I don't understand, you all keep calling me by name and then Luna...I have no idea what is happening." Alina looked scared and confused, feelings Isabella knew.

"Don't you remember me? Toby? Ryder?" Isabella knew she sounded desperate but if the Luna couldn't remember who she was they would never be able to escape.

"I...I-" Alina was shaking her head.

"It's me, Isabella, Toby, Toby is my son and Ryder, Magnar, your mate." Isabella was almost crying wishing and praying the Luna would remember them so she could remember the gift the Goddess had given her. "Please Alina, remember." She begged.

"I can't." Alina's eyes glistened.

"Please Luna, please." Isabella was sobbing her pleas. "My son, Toby, you met him in the village, he...he said no one would play with him...." The door flung open and a slim woman with an evil glint in her eye stood in the door way.

"Luna, time for some pay-" The wolf cut herself off sniffing the air around her. "You!" She seethed at Isabella as she walked over to her clutching her face in her hands. "It was my brother's throat you tore out." The woman growled smacking Isabella hard in the jaw.

"Good." Isabella smiled as she spat out a mouthful of blood. The woman began to punch Isabella again and again, it was nothing she hadn't already suffered from her father's hands. Her face had started to go numb and she began choking on her own blood.

"Fuck you!" The woman seethed yanking her by her hair so Isabella had to look the woman in the eye, though to be fair she was struggling through the swelling. "I will enjoy killing you." Isabella tried to pull her head free from the she-wolfs grasp but couldn't instead she spat her blood over her face receiving yet another blow for her efforts.

The woman stood back and lent down to her ankle pulling a mean looking blade from the boot she was wearing.

"Oh my god!" Alina's whisper was strained.

"Don't worry Luna, think of this as the pre-party, the sneak preview of what I will do to you when I am allowed." The woman didn't even turn to look at Alina and clearly didn't find the fact that Alina now had control of her mouth as an issue. The she-wolf lunged forward and thrust the blade in to Isabella's thigh, she let out a screech from the pain and dragged in ragged breaths.

"Isabella!" Alina cried out but the she-wolf just laughed.

"Don't fret Luna I will be at this for hours." She yanked the blade from Isabella's thigh.

"Fuck you!" Etana was the one who spoke this time, she could feel her human side weakening.

"Tut, tut Bella." The she-wolf moved swiftly and thrust the knife in Isabella's other thigh. "That is not very nice language for lady." She added twisting the blade causing Isabella to cry out in pain.

"I will kill you!" Etana was fighting hard to break free but the Wolfs Bain had her trapped. The pain in her legs was becoming unbearable and she felt herself sagging but the collar around her neck pulled more tightly. It was either stand and face the pain or let go and let the damned noose around her neck have her. She growled in frustration.

"Please, please just leave her alone." Alina mewed from the sideline, Isabella wanted to shake her to tell her about her gift but she couldn't there was no way Alina would believe her and if she didn't believe the gift wouldn't work.

"You took my brothers life without playing fair Bella." The she-wolf ignored Alina's pleas as she pulled the blade slowly from her thigh, it took all of Isabella's strength not to scream but she refused to give this bitch the satisfaction. "Two can play that game." The she-wolf sauntered toward her and brought the blade up to Isabella's face holding the blade above her brow. "I will find that little bastard child of yours," she began to push the blade downward opening a cut on her forehead through her eyebrow and moved to just below her eye, "Then when he is begging for his mummy I will rip out his voice box." She finished her cutting just before Isabella's jawline.

"Stay away from my son!" Isabella shouted in panic.

"Leave her alone!" Alina suddenly shouted, Isabella watched as the she-wolf began to falter in her movements. The she-wolf turned to face Alina as if it had just dawned on her that she was no longer bound by tape, Isabella was struggling to remain upright, the collar around her neck was cutting into her windpipe and she was struggling to fight against it.

"Where is your gag!" The she-wolf sounded panicked as she began darting her eyes around the room trying to find something to silence her with, she saw the tape that Isabella had been holding ensuring that it had been coated in her blood so it would lose its adhesive quality. "You bitch!" She growled lunging toward Isabella who was already trying to fight the darkness that was calling to her.

"STOP!" Alina shrieked and the she-wolf did just that. "I said leave her alone."

Isabella eyed the Luna, Alina was meant to be human and yet she could have sworn she had growled that last command, she wanted to fist bump her or do a dance however; staying conscious was all she was trying to do now.

"Stop talking." The she-wolf whispered.

"I said-"

"No! Stop! Don't speak!" The she-wolf sounded positively frantic as she began to back toward the door.

Suddenly the door she was aiming for swung open with force, Isabella's heart somersaulted when she saw Kylan standing there. It took him seconds to absorb what was in front of him before he lunged at the she-wolf and tore her throat open. Kylan looked torn between Isabella and his Luna, she couldn't blame him for that, it was his duty.

"Isabella, help Isabella, I'm fine." She heard Alina command Kylan before everything turned black. 


Thanks to all those still sticking it out! 

Again any comments and constructive criticism welcome! 

Thanks for reading!!!!! :o)

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