Chapter 21 - What have you done

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"Mum, when can we see the Beta again?" Tobias asked his violet eyes shining at her. Isabella stroked her son's white blonde hair leaning forward she kissed the top of his forehead before tucking him more firmly in bed.

"Toby, you know what grandpa said." She smiled at him trying to sound as if her father's request was normal.

"But how long do we have to stay in the house, it's been like forever!" He huffed at her which made her smile.

"I don't know baby boy." She hated that her voiced cracked, neither she nor Tobias had been allowed to leave the house since the attack by the rouges which had been five months ago. Isabella was aching to let her wolf out but her father wouldn't even allow her that simple pleasure. "But when we do we can go and get some ice cream and then we can let our wolves out to run." She smiled at him as she stood to leave. She felt his small hand on her fingers and turned to him.

"If you told the Beta..." Tobias' voice trailed off and she bent back down to him.

"If I told the Beta what honey?" She asked stroking the hair from his eyes.

"If you told the Beta, then he would stop grandpa hurting you." The concern in her sons eyes broke her heart, she had tried to hard to stop Tobias from seeing or hearing anything but apparently not well enough.

"Grandpa isn't hurting me silly." She tried to brush it off but Tobias' look told her he didn't believe her. "I love you Toby." She kissed his forehead again.

"I'll save you one day mum." He yawned as his eyes began to close, she had to leave the room quickly her heart was shattering. As soon as she was outside Tobias' room and his door shut she let out a muffled cried in to her hands. He shouldn't have to worry about saving her she should be saving him.

She needed to get a grip, they needed to escape, she couldn't risk her father beating her son like he did her. He had yet to hit Tobias, but he was becoming more defiant and her father wouldn't hold out forever.

Isabella took a deep breath and made her way down the stairs, she had been forbidden to do so since the night of the attack but she needed to find a way for Tobias to escape, for him to get to the pack house. As she tiptoed through the house toward her father's study a familiar scent filled her senses. Wolf's Bain, what would my father want that for? She questioned as she reached the door to her father's study.

Wolf's Bain helped keep your wolf in control, dulled it senses, it's ability to be a wolf. The only time another wolf used it was when they had captured a particularly strong wolf. Voices drifted from behind the large wooden door that was her father's office and she listened intently.

"You should have let me kill her Silver!" It was a woman's voice, one Isabella did not recognize.

"I cannot use her as bait if she is dead Diane." Her father growled back. "I need the Luna in one piece." Isabella covered her mouth so's not to alert her father she was there.

"Then can I kill her." The woman asked.

"Yes Diane, then you can kill Alina."

Without a second thought Isabella bound up the stairs toward Tobias' room, she had to get him out now. She ran quietly holding her breath so's not to make a sound. When she reached Tobias' room she opened the door quietly and closed it behind her. She rushed over to her son's bed and felt the tears beginning to build.

"Toby, honey, Toby wake up." She whispered to him.


"Shhh, baby shhh." She smiled at him trying to hold back the tears as she covered his small mouth with her fingers. "Toby I need you to listen to me okay?" She whispered to him. He nodded sitting up. "I need you to get to the pack house." She told him lifting him out of bed and taking him over to his set of drawers, she began pulling out clothes and stuffing them into a small backpack. "I'm going to help you climb out of the window okay baby, and then I need you to shift and run as fast as you can to the pack house, find the Beta." She whispered to him hurriedly.

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