Chapter 7 - Frustration

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The wolf sat in front of her, he was huge bigger than-; it came back to her she had forgotten how she was here in the first place, the wolves in the forest. She felt herself take a step back as she eyed the raven coloured beast before her. "Ryder?" She breathed.

No, Magnar

She had no idea where the voice came from there was no one around accept the wolf who was walking closer to her. She wanted to run to move to do something but she couldn't move she just stared at the magnificent beast before her.


The voice came again. "Who the fuck is saying that!" She almost shrieked as she continued to eye the wolf.

Me, your wolf I cannot speak as a human does so I must communicate through your mind.


I am Magnar the wolf half of Ryder and together we are your mate and in turn you belong to us.

"Well I feel like a crazy person shouting at a wolf so give me back Ryder." She demanded and watched as the wolf bared his teeth slightly but as requested the wolf began to morph until a very naked Ryder stood in front of her.

"We are the same person Ina, I am both Ryder and Magnar." She was only half listening as she took in his appearance.

He was perfection, his body toned but not overly muscular, she hated those body building types. His form was beautiful, glorious almost and then there was his........

"Ina if you keep looking at me like that I will not be able to control myself." She snapped her eyes back to his and felt her face flush, she hadn't meant to stare but it was rather impressive. "Ina stop." He warned; she felt herself flush again as she realised her eyes had wandered downward.

"Put some clothes on then!"

"Why? You seem to like-"

"Stop!" She covered her eyes. "For the love of all that is holy put some fucking clothes on!"

"I will when you come back to our room so we can talk."

She let out another frustrated scream. "Fine, fine but I am going first I can't take....this." She said gesturing toward his nakedness before darting out of the room and heading for their bedroom.


Alina was pacing as he walked in the room only a minute behind her, she turned to face him noticing again his very naked a beautiful body. What was wrong with her? She had no control over her faculties, one minute she was truly heartbroken regarding the small girl who had lost her life and the next she found herself lusting after the man who kept referring to her as his 'mate'.

"Did you walk through the entire house like that?" she gestured again to his nakedness.

"It's my pack house." He shrugged.

"Yes and so far I have seen at least twenty other women living here!" She made her way to the bedroom door and closed it to give them privacy.

"Are you jealous heart?" He asked throwing her a cock sure smile.

"No!" She knew she had answered that too quickly if the eyebrow he currently cocked up at her was anything to go by. "I just don't think you should go around traumatising the young women of this pack." She threw at him quietly pleased with her retort which was short lived as he stalked toward her.

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