Chapter 17 - Lost

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"Don't be fucking stupid!" Kylan nearly shouted at Ryder.

"Kylan you didn't see her face last night, you didn't see..." Ryder trailed off pacing his office. "I can't do that again, I can't see her like, what if she had died!"

"But she didn't, she's our Luna! The Goddess made her strong, sure this time it would be difficult, but it will get easier. It's not like any of us jumped for joy after our first fight." Kylan tried to reassure him. It wouldn't work he had made up his mind, he had to let her go. Marion walked in the office before Ryder could respond to his Beta, she looked well considering she had nearly been killed last night, thank the Goddess for wolf healing. "Marion, talk some sense into this idiot!"

Marion looked taken aback but Kylan's outburst, but her keen eyes sought out Ryder's instantly. "What have you done?" She asked her tone calm but there was a hint of a threat in it.

"I-" Ryder went to answer his aunt's question but Kylan didn't give him the opportunity.

"He's arranging to have Alina's memory removed."

"What!" Marion nearly shrieked.

"It's the only way to keep her safe!" Ryder growled.

"And a quick way of getting yourself and this pack killed!" It was Victoria who spoke rather than his aunt.

"I will protect my pack and my mate!" Magnar shouted back.

A knock sounded on the door. "Enter!" Ryder was pleased to have the interruption, it was Quillon.

"Alpha." He bowed his head, but his golden eyes took in his surroundings he knew something was wrong.

"Speak Quillon." Ryder sighed taking seat behind his desk, noting that neither Kylan nor his aunt were making a move to leave his office any time soon.

"The rogue who was found head butting the wall, he has given us information on Penny. It is as we suspected she was killed before they reached the outlines of the pack border." He spoke with a soft tone. "I have sent the pup and the warrior's home."

"Thank you Quillon." Ryder nodded toward the man.

"Alpha the witch is here." A small voice piped up from behind Quillon.

"Bring her in." Ryder noted the way Quillon's eyebrows lifted.

"Ryder you're being a fool." Kylan was growling again but Ryder ignored him as the small witch was thrust into the room. She was probably in her 40's but looked younger, her white robes seem to float around her as she walked and her silver eyes took in every detail in the room. She wore her white hair in a braid which reached past her waist, she was beautiful, but she was dangerous.

"Quillon." The witch smiled.

"Aine." Quillon replied with a smile as he bowed his head. "What brings you out of the woodland?" Quillon was obviously acquainted with the witch.

"Ryder, how many times must I tell your band of dogs I am not a witch, I am a Faerie, born of the earth more pure than any of your kind." Aine sounded melodic when she spoke but there was a fierceness in her town that belied the sweet smile she offered those in the room. "I, dear Quillon, am here to erase the Luna's memory."

"No you're fucking not!" Alina growled from the door way before marching into the room. Ryder stood his eyes hungrily taking in every detail of her not wanting to forget.

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