Chapter 25 - Don't Leave Me

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Alina watched as the tall sandy haired man ran toward Isabella's limp body, there was something familiar about him but the cry he let out had her own heart breaking for him.

"Isabella, please bay, please wake up." He whispered to her holding her up and yanking the chain that was holding her throat from the wall before cradling her in his arms.

"Mate." Isabella managed to cough as she raised her bloody hand to the man's cheek moving her thumb back and forth over his skin. The man pressed his forehead against Isabella's a tear falling down his handsome face.

"Don't leave me." He barely spoke the words but Alina could feel the tears in her own eyes begin to build.


"Shhh, baby Toby is fine, you need to keep your strength." He smiled kissing her forehead. "You have to get well for both of us."

Alina held back a sob, she felt like she was intruding but she was bound and couldn't move, instead she watched this giant man hold Isabella with such strength and gentleness her heart ached.

"I don't-"

"It's not a request sunshine, you have to get better." He commanded leaning down and kissing her briefly on her bloodied lips, she heard Isabella cry the sound strained. "Alpha!" The male screamed, within seconds Alina's eyes were drawn to the figure standing in the doorway of their cell.

Her heart thundered in her chest as she took in his appearance, he was tall, masculine and his emerald eyes caused her breath to hitch. Suddenly her mind was flooded with flashes of this man, his lips against hers, his arms around her, her body seemed to burst to life at the sight of him, every molecule in her thrumming to get closer to him.

"Ina." She cried out in pain when she heard his pet name for her, her nightmares came flooding back they were like a tsunami, wave after wave of pain hit her as she remembered him holding her, remember him taking her memories.

"Ryder." She managed to say his name through her tears. He was by her side taking off her restraints.

"Alpha we have to go, please." She watched as Ryder took in the scene, apparently he had only noticed her when he had walked in to their small dungeon.

"Fuck, Kylan." His voice was a timber whispered that caused Alina's insides to clench with want. Alina hadn't realised what was happening until she was already in Ryder's arms, her body reacted instantly to his warmth and she clung to him, she would allow herself this contact but if Ryder thought for a second they were going to be okay he was sorely mistaken.

It didn't take long before they were all back at the pack house, Alina's voice hitched when she saw Marion and Tobias at the door waiting for them. "Hi." She managed to push the word as Ryder set her down and allowed her to walk into the pack house without being carried like a baby. The smell of the house enveloped her and immediately she felt the sheen of tears build, she had missed this home. The ache she had felt in her nightmares, the torment, it was because of Ryder.

"Luna!" Tobias cried out running over to Alina, she automatically fell to her knees to engulf the child in her arms.


"Where's mum?" He asked still hugging her.

"Get the doc now!" Kylan was barking holding Isabella's limp body.

"Mum!" Tobias tried to run toward his mother but Alina held him back. "Mum! Mummy!" He shouted again tears falling down his cheeks.

"Toby, it's okay I'm gonna fix this." Kylan told the boy.

"You said we'd save her." Tobias' small voice broke through the commotion and Alina could have sworn she felt the despair radiating off of Kylan at Tobias' words.

"Toby, look at me." Alina whispered to him. "Kylan did save your mum and me, we will be fine." She told him, Tobias nodded but said nothing as he watched Kylan carry his mother's body away.

"Alina." Alina looked up to Marion who had her own un-shed tears forming in her eyes before she wrapped her arms around Alina. "I'm so, so sorry." Marion apologised hugging her more tightly. Alina returned the hug, she had missed Marion, she had missed the pack, she had missed everything and she had been given no choice but to give them up.

"Ina." She heard Ryder's soft plea her body tensing, from both want and anger. She pulled away from Marion's hug and turned to face the man who had caused her so much pain.

"We need to get cleaned up and then we can talk." She made her voice sound as void from emotion as possible, she was hurting so damned much and he needed to know. She tore her gaze from his handsome face and practically ran from the room.

She walked over the threshold of what had been their room, her heart ached for what had been and no longer was. She couldn't make her legs walk any further into the room, she just stood on the precipice staring at what she had once felt was home. She began to walk backward, she couldn't do this, couldn't be in the room that smelled of the man who had ripped her memories from her, who had left her, who had broken her. Her back crashed into someone solid and she spun quickly on her heel.

"Tristian." She clasped the front of her chest trying to calm her heart. "You scared the shit out of me." She growled at him.

"It's good to see you back Alina." He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I assumed you wouldn't want to be in here." He told her his eyes shifting to the floor. "I asked the staff to set you up the room opposite." He told her motioning for her to follow him, which she did. He opened the door to the room opposite, it was almost the same as Ryder's accept his scent wasn't everywhere which was a relief to her.

She walked inside and made her way to the large bed which sat in the centre of the room, she sat down and almost sighed at the contact, her body ached.

"Alina, I know...." Tristian started before he rubbed the back of his neck. "He really thought he was protecting you." Tristian looked uncomfortable as he broached the subject.

"He erased you all." She responded staring down at her hands that were in her lap. Tristian walked toward her hunkering down on his knees in front of her.

"Alina he really thought this was the only way to keep you safe, he never meant to hurt you." Tristian pleaded taking her hands in his much larger ones.

"But he did anyway." Alina shrugged biting on her lower lip so she could stop the tears from falling down her face. "I don't know if I can forgive that."

Tristian rose from his position and made his way toward the door. "I had some of your things brought in here." He told her, sounding as lost as she was almost. "If it's any consolation, he was broken without you." And then he left.

It wasn't a consolation, it just made her hurt more and made her angrier. He had made them both suffer and for what? Nothing! She had still been taken had still been chained to a wall and Isabella had been tortured. Allowing the tears to fall freely she made her way to the bathroom.

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