Chapter 13 - Unknown Warrior

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"The warriors from Radolph's pack are here, with his son." Kylan stated as he walked into Ryder's office.

"I just bet he is, where's Alina?" Ryder asked which caused Kylan to raise his brow. "We need to greet them." He covered, what he wanted to say was he didn't trust Radolph's son around his mate but there was no way he was going to make himself look weak in front of his Beta.

"I'll go and get her I think she is in your quarters." Kylan offered but Ryder was already standing.

"No that's fine I will get her, just keep an eye on the warriors and Joshua I don't want them wandering around this place." He told Kylan who bowed his head in acknowledgement and disappeared.

Ryder made his way through the pack house to their room; his body began to hum with anticipation the closer he got to her. He walked through the doors into their room and found Alina reading on their bed.

"Hi Ryder." She smiled but her eyes didn't move from the book which irked him a little.

"Ina, we have guests." He told her waiting for her to look at him, instead she rose one finger in his direction and continued to read. Just as he was about to lose his shit, she closed the book and beamed at him his anger dissipating almost instantly.

"Sorry had to finish that page!" She grinned jumping off of the bed and making her way toward the door, he grabbed hold of her wrist gently and pulled her flush against his body tucking his head in the crook of her neck. "Ryder what are you doing?"

"You don't smell enough of me, I don't want you walking into a room of men and not smelling like me." He told her against her neck.

"Erm, I don't really know how to fix that...." She responded as she began to hug him back. He raised his head slightly so he was staring in to her beautiful brown eyes.

"The best way is for me to claim you, but for now this will do." He whispered before capturing her lips in his own. She didn't struggle against his kiss; in fact he felt her body relax as if she had needed this as much as him. He deepened the kiss enjoying the way her tongue met his with confidence, her small whimpers of pleasure drove him insane and had Magnar carrying out somersaults in his mind. He eventually removed his lips from her now swollen ones smiling at the way they had reddened from the onslaught of his kiss, the way her eyes were dilated in arousal the way her arousal smelled, fuck he wanted her so much.

"Better?" She managed to say between her pants, her cheeks flushing beautifully as she raked her hand through her brown locks.

"Yes." He beamed kissing the tip of her nose. "But we need to go downstairs now or I will end up doing more than just kissing you." He watched as she bit down on her lip at his worse. "Ina, fuck you really need to stop looking at me like that I can't concentrate when you're biting your lip."

"Sorry." She flushed again looking away from him. He placed his fingers under her chin and encouraged her to look at him again.

"It's not a criticism heart. I just mean I can barely keep my libido in check and when you do things like that I just..." He trailed off and pulled her closer grinding his now prominent erection into her. "I feel like I am walking around with that permanently." He smiled at her. "Let's go and great the guests shall we? Whilst I can still be a gentleman."

Ryder opened the door for Alina to step through first, he followed behind and then Kylan behind him. Alina was sure she was still flushed from their little encounter but tried to ignore the ache she still had in the pit of her stomach for him as she smiled at the men in the room. Ryder took seat behind the desk, taking her hand and motioning for her to sit on his lap, gosh this man was a little possessive. Kylan sat on the chair next to the desk once the three of them were seated Ryder motioned for the others to be seated also.

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