Chapter 16 - Decisions

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"Really Alina!" He couldn't help but shout at her.

"Statement or question?" She threw back at him as she continued to inspect her now healed body.

"I gave you one instruction!"

"Again, statement or question Ryder?" She huffed throwing a pair of sweatpants toward him. He pulled the garment on and watched as she rounded the bed.

"You could have been killed!" He grabbed her shoulders.

"Do you need me to join in the conversation or are you going to continue to state the obvious?" She sighed at him.

"I am your Alpha Alina and if I give you an instruction, I expect you to abide by it." He growled at her. "You put yourself and this pack in danger."

"I was trying to save a member of our pack!" She yelled at him; he ignored the warmth he felt fill his chest when she said 'our pack' he was angry at her. When he had seen the blood.....

"By putting yourself in danger!" Alina let out a frustrated growl and yanked herself from Ryder's grip.

"Are you saying I should have just stayed and watched members of the pack be killed?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm fine, you healed me what is the big issue!" With his wolf speed he grabbed Alina and placed her on the bed with him on top, pinning her arms above her head.

"I could have lost you Ina." He had meant to sound angry, but the moment her beautiful brown eyes captured his all he could feel was the panic he had felt when he had seen the blood. He moved his head to the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. "I can't lose you heart." He mumbled against her skin letting go of her wrists and pulling her tightly against him.

"You won't, I'm right here." She whispered back massaging his scalp to try and sooth him.

Reluctantly he rose from his position and offered her his hand, she took it though looked confused. He reached under the t-shirt she wore and began raising it over her head.

"Ryder! What are you doing?" She nearly screeched pushing the top back down.

"Look at the shirt heart." Was all he said and felt his heart break when her eyes bulged at the blood that stained the t-shirt.

"Oh my-" her voice broke, he engulfed her in a hug and began to rock her back and forth. "Ryder I'm covered-"

"I know Ina, I know." He soothed kissing the top of her head and beginning to remove her top again this time she allowed him. She barely moved in fact as he continued to strip her down. She couldn't see what he could, her face was smeared with blood, it was matted into her hair, her own blood had dried on her legs and her skin was pale. She made a move to look down but he placed his hand under her chin. "Don't look down heart, just keep looking at me okay." He whispered to her, she nodded but he could see the realisation beginning to set in. "I'm gonna take us into the shower so I can clean us both, I promise I won't do anything but clean you." He told her, she said nothing just weakly nodded at him.

He lifted her tucking her head into his shoulder, he didn't want her catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. He walked them both into the shower and turned it on, he held her close waiting for the water to heat up before walking them both under the spray. He took the shampoo and began massaging the red from her brunette locks her head was down and he could hear her whimpers as she watched the bottom of the shower turn pink with the blood that ran off their two bodies.

He took his time cleaning her hating how much his heart broke with every sob she let out. When he had finished cleaning her he quickly washed himself before pulling her in close for a hug before turning off the water and wrapping them both in towels.

He carried her to the bedroom, he sat on the bed and pulled her between his legs so he could dry her.


"Shhh Ina, not tonight, tonight just let me take care of you." He smiled at her. She had stopped crying but he could see the threat of more un-shed tears. Once he had finished drying both Alina and himself he threw on a fresh pair of boxers, finding an extra pair for Alina and another t-shirt he dressed her.

He hated how fragile she looked, her skin still pale, her eyes almost black in colour, his breath hitched when he saw the sadness in them. He pulled back the covers on the bed and motioned for her to get in, which she did without thought. He followed her and wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her flush against him. He kissed her shoulder and fought back his own tears, this would be their last night together.

The thought had his stomach churning, but it would be the only way to keep her safe, to stop that haunted look in her eyes. After tonight everyone would know she had the voice of the Goddess and they would come for her, again and again they would come and he would fight until his last breath but he couldn't risk any of them getting to her. 

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