Chapter 20 - Imprisoned

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Alina opened her eyes, a sharp pain causing her to wince out loud. Alina tried to move her hand to her head but realised that her hands were tied behind her back, her feet were also bound and then she realised there was tape over her mouth. The cold room she sat in was dark, the walls and damp floor cement, she pulled herself up the pain in her head making the action more difficult that it should have been.

What happened? She racked her mind trying to remember, she was with Q, they were at the club and then....nothing. She let out a frustrated squeal when she couldn't make herself remember.

The door to her prison opened, a slim female who looked no older than early twenties walked in, Alina couldn't tell the exact colour of the woman's hair only that it was light possibly blonde, it was so dirty there was no way to tell. She looked like skin and bone and her eyes, they were the colour of ice and held as much warmth.

The man who stood behind her dwarfed the woman's tiny frame, he was the size of a god damned house! He was at least 6" 3 or 4, though from her sitting position Alina couldn't really tell. He was almost as wide as he was tall, his frame was solid and he walked like a man on a mission. As he walked further into the cell she could see his features, he had an almost kind looking face, his ocean coloured eyes glinted and the smile he wore was one someone would have if they had just found a lost kitten, but there was something hidden in the depths of his eyes that had Alina worried.

"Luna." He bowed toward her, who the fuck was Luna? She wanted to ask the man outright but the tape made that impossible.

"Let me kill her." The petite woman hissed and for a second Alina could have sworn the woman's eyes changed colour.

"Diane, you know the rules." He chuckled at the woman resting a beefy hand on the woman's shoulder.

"She made me kill my mate!" Tears filled the woman named Diane's eyes. Her whole being was shaking as she glared at Alina and in that second Alina was more afraid of the slight looking woman than the hulking great man who was currently walking toward her.

"Leave Diane, I need to talk with the Luna here." He sighed as he knelt down in front of Alina. Alina's eyes flickered from the man in front of her and the woman who looked like she was about to explode. "Now Diane!" He boomed causing Alina to jump. When the woman had left the man reached a hand out toward Alina's face she tried to move away but there was no where for her to go before the man's large hand held her face roughly.

It was as if he was studying her, searching for something. "Five months is a long time to be away from your mate Luna, how are you fairing?" He asked, in that strange fatherly tone he had used when he had first entered the room. Alina eyed him, she had no idea what the hell this crazy man was talking about and why the hell did he keep calling her Luna? Did he think she was someone else?

"I know it's not fair of me to ask what with your mouth being taped and all but I can see the hurt in your eyes." He laughed again but there was no humour. "It would appear however you have no idea why you're hurting."

Alina tried to yank her head away from his grasp again but he just held her tighter, her breathing was becoming more laboured the damned tape restricting her breaths.

"You may not remember but your Alpha does and his wolf." He reached round and grabbed a fist full of her hair bringing her head closer to his. "And the more Magnar yearns for you the less human the Alpha becomes." Something like recognition fluttered though her mind when the stranger in front of her said the name Magnar, but more than that was the pain and ache she felt, she felt a tear escape and travel down her cheek.

"So, a part of you does remember." He beamed. "Did your guardian not tell you dear Alina?" Alina in haled sharply, well as much as she could with the tape binding her mouth, it was the first time he had used her name. She tried to shout at him through the tape becoming more frustrated.

"I would take the tape off but you and I both know that wouldn't be a good idea, don't need you escaping." He smiled though it didn't reach his eyes, Alina let out a sob. The man leand forward his breath against her when he spoke next. "As disgusting as I find it that a human was gifted by the Goddess," His free hand began to move its way up her thigh. "There is something about you Luna that calls out to the wolf in me." He nipped her ear with his teeth, Alina did not move, couldn't move his grip on her hair tight as well as the hand that was on her thigh. "Perhaps the next time I am feeling lonely I will come and visit you." He laughed as the hand that was on her thigh suddenly cupped her sex forcefully making her wince.

The man stood and made his way to the door of her prison, "I look forward to seeing you again Luna." He bowed before leaving the room his wretched laugh following him. Alina tried to sob aloud her breathing was becoming more and more laboured and the emptiness she had felt from her nightmares was slowly wrapping itself around her, the ache growing more painful and then darkness. 

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