Chapter 6 - Wolf

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 Alina woke again in the unfamiliar bed though this time her head did not hurt any more. Sitting up she waited for the pain but nothing came she sighed with relief. As the blanket fell from her she noticed she was not in the clothes she had arrived in.

"You're awake." Alina's head whipped round and with a speed she hadn't known was possible he was by her side on the bed. He leaned forward to touch her and instantly she flinched.

"Don't touch me." She breathed, the simple words causing his eyes to flash with hurt and without thought she placed her hand on his arm. "I'm sorry I just-" he cut her off by lifting her on to his lap and hugging her closely. "Ryder-"

"Please heart just let me have this." She stopped struggling and felt his arms tighten around her further whilst he buried his head in the crook of her neck and breathed in deeply the simple action causing a slight gasp of pleasure escape her lips.

"Ryder what are you doing?" She asked at the strange affection he was showing her.

"I need to breathe in your scent Ina." He told her his lips moving against her neck as he spoke and immediately, she felt her panties begin to dampen. She didn't question him again just allowed him to sit and breathe deeply. She didn't understand it, she didn't know this man and yet her whole body seemed to want to plaster itself against him. She felt a calmness she had never felt before as he held her, she felt cherished.

"How am I in different clothes?" She asked him.

"I had to change you, the Doc-"

"You changed me!" she couldn't help how her voice raised as she shoved him away from her and scrambled off of his lap and on to the floor.

"Of course." He shrugged as if what he said was completely normal.

"You stripped me of my clothes whilst I was unconscious!" She began pacing the room.

"Well I sure as hell wasn't going to let anyone else do it." He growled standing, she supposed to show his dominance to be fair the man was at least 6 foot 3 which was almost a foot taller than she was. His shoulders were broad the t-shirt he wore flexed against the muscles in his arms, holy shit this man was built like a god.

"How much did you see?" She questioned him very aware that no one would ever describe her as being built like a god, or goddess or whatever.

"I bathed you." He shrugged but gold suddenly flickered through his emerald eyes.

"You did fucking what!" She screamed at him as she wrapped her arms around herself the feeling of nausea flooding her at the thought of this Adonis seeing her naked. "Who the hell do you think you are!"

"I'm the Alpha Alina and you would do well to remember it." He was growling at her she knew he was angry but had no idea why, he wasn't the one who had been stripped naked whilst unconscious.

"You violated me!" She screeched and she watched him flinch immediately regretting her words. His hands were round the top of her arms within seconds and she was pushed against the wall, she hadn't walked there he had lifted her right off the spot as though she weighed nothing.

"I would never violate you." He seethed. "You were covered in blood I didn't want you to wake up like that." His grip tightened again.

"You're hurting me." She spat at him looking him straight in his green, no wait almost black eyes. "What are you?" She should have been afraid but in all honesty she was just curious.

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