Chapter 18 - Found Again

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5 Months Later

"Stupid fucking laptop!" Alina screeched at the blank screen.

"Still arguing with the laptop I see." Quillon laughed as he entered their apartment placing the bags in his hands on the counter.

"Perhaps I should write about my talk, dark and handsome room mate who turned down five dates this weekend." Alina huffed closing the lid of the laptop so she could help Quillon put away the shopping. "Please tell me it's your turn to cook." She looked up at him with what she hoped were her best puppy dog eyes.

"It isn't but I'll cook, if you wash up." He winked at her.

"Of course, my liege!" She mock bowed to him jumping on top of one of the bar stools at the breakfast bar. "So how was work?" She asked him as she watched him move swiftly around the kitchen, his speed was almost unnatural.

"It was work Al, you know I hate talking about work." He smiled at her once he had put the shopping away and grabbed two wine glasses filling them both with the bottle of red, he had also purchased.

"Yeah, I know." She sighed, he never talked about what he did other than to say she was to focus on her writing and not worry about working and he would take care of the bills. It wasn't something she had wanted but Quillon had insisted stating that her trying to write a book was enough hard work and she wasn't even being paid. "Okay so tell me about tomorrow night." She changed the subject.

"Tomorrow?" He rose his brow to her as he started taking out the ingredients for whatever beautiful concoction he was conjuring. "Nothing?" He continued to look confused and she beamed at him.

"Good because you and me are going out!" She giggled at him.

"Al, every time we go out you try and set me up with someone." He groaned chopping an onion expertly.

"One of us has to get laid! And you sir are the catch of the century!" She winked at him.

"You have guys trying to sleep with you Alina you just ignore them." He told her placing the onions in the frying pan.

"I can't bring a man home that is less attractive than my best friend." She muttered at him, it was true though, the few men she had managed to flirt with had taken one look at Quillon and had run a mile. To be fair Quillon was pretty daunting to look at he was about 6"2, he was built well and his gold eyes were almost inhuman. "I worry about you Quillon, you spend way too much time with me." She told him honestly.

"Well as we are best friends who else would I spend time with?" He laughed at her chopping up some more vegetables.

"Lame excuse." She sighed at him. "Either way we are going out tomorrow."


"Don't 'Al' me Q, we are going out."


"No! No! Please!" Alina jerked up out of bed panting hard as her bedroom door swung open Quillon looking like he is about to kill something.

"Alina!" He had the lights flipped and was searching the room, though what for Alina had no idea.

"Q it's fine it was just a nightmare." She smiled at him running her hands through her nightmare dampened hair.

"You're having them more frequently." Quillon said though Alina was sure he was saying it more to himself than her. He sat down on the edge of her bed the mattress dipping significantly, the man was pure muscle it would it seem and muscle weighed a lot.

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