Chapter 14 - Mating

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Alina stepped inside the shower and moaned aloud when the warm water hit her, closing her eyes she stood underneath the shower head and for a moment just allowed the water to cascade down her body. She needed time to breathe, everything seemed to be happening fast and the strangest part was she didn't want to fight it. She both loved and hated the way Ryder made her feel, it was as though his body had command over hers, like it craved to be part of him. A simple look from the man and her insides were like mush, she felt like a teenage girl meeting her idol, she wanted to fawn over him, to please him, to give him everything he wanted and more.

Alina let out a growl and reached for the shampoo and began to vigorously wash her hair. Her thoughts strayed to the pack, apparently now her pack too. The thought of anyone harming the pack made her feel nauseous, then there was anger, where had that come from?

Then there was her 'gift'. If there was a Goddess what in the hell had she been thinking giving her this gift? It made no sense, Alina had met lots of wolves who would have been better suited to the gift so why would the Goddess pick a human? And why didn't her gift have any effect on Ryder?

Pushing all her thoughts aside she finished washing and conditioning her hair before scrubbing herself and stepping out of the shower. She wrapped herself in the large towel Ryder had provided and with the smaller towel she put her hair in a turban. She smiled to herself when she noticed the toiletry bag Ryder had provided her with and pulled out the toothbrush.

10 minutes later Alina stepped out of the bathroom muttering to herself about her night wear. "I don't get why he can't just let me have normal pajamas? Why do they have to be one of his t-shirts?" She sighed to herself.

"Because Heart, my t-shirts leave my scent." She jumped when she heard Ryder's voice, she hadn't noticed him leaning against the door frame to their room.

"Ryder you nearly gave me a heart attack!" She growled at him making her way over to the bed, she felt his eyes watch her every movement but refused to look at him. Just his gaze was enough to dampen her panties she really did need to try and control her libido more. She heard the door click and looked up to see Ryder sauntering toward the bed.

"You did well today heart." He smiled at her, the action causing something inside her to swell, she hated how much she wanted his approval.

"Thanks." She smiled back as he sat own on the bed beginning to remove his shoes.

"Quillon seems taken with you." He tried to sound nonchalant but she heard the twinge of jealousy in his tone.

"And you." She offered.

"Ina, there is something you should know." He told her turning to face her. "The bond makes mates possessive over one another and jealous of others, as an Alpha it worse." He raked his hand through his hair an action Alina wanted very much to do for him. "And the longer we aren't mated the worse I am gonna get."


"I am not saying we need to mate Ina, I just want you to know why I act the way I do." He looked nervous and she had caused that which she hated. She scooted over to him and placed her hands on either side of his face, the action causing his breath to hitch.

"Tell me how I can help." She whispered searching his beautiful green eyes which were showing flecks of gold. He smiled at her before removing her hands from his face and standing.

"Let me go and have a cold shower." He winked at her before disappearing into the bathroom. She hated the pained look that marred his beautiful features and she hated even more that she was the one causing it. She still didn't know what it meant to be mated, did he just mean sex? In all honesty if that was what he was talking about she was almost at the point of begging for it herself.

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