Chapter 28 - Normality?

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                Alina woke up engulfed in Ryder's arms, her body was humming with the familiar need she felt when she was around him but her heart still ached. Five months, she had been gone for five months and something had changed in Ryder. His actions were more animalistic than they were before, she could sense his sense of possession over her and it was stronger than before, she knew why, it was Magnar. He was still angry with his human side but he didn't understand that what Alina felt for Magnar she felt for Ryder.

So she had given in, she had kissed him last night with the same desperation he had kissed her and she had agreed to share their bed again. Now as she laid in his arms she felt the ache which had been haunting her since she had returned to the pack. Taking a shaky breath she managed to disentangle herself from his grip and slipped out of the bed. She grabbed a pair of Ryder's socks which were far too big but they would do for now, she just needed to get out of the room.

As quietly as possible she crept out of the bedroom and following the smell of bacon made her way down to the kitchen to find Marion cooking up a storm.

"Morning Marion." Alina greeted.

"Morning Luna and please call me M." The older woman beamed as she turned briefly from the frying pan.

"Then please call me Al." Alina offered taking seat at the breakfast bar.

"Okay, but only when we are alone." Marion smiled continuing to fuss over the bacon. "Would you like a bacon sandwich?"

"Yes please, can I ask that my bacon is super well done please?" Alina asked.

"Of course!" Marion chuckled to herself.

"Alina!" Alina turned to the door of the kitchen and within seconds saw the fair haired Isabella throwing herself at Alina in the tightest hug. Alina laughed but hugged her back. "Gosh, sorry!" Isabella quickly withdrew. "Apologies Luna." She bowed her head in submission, Alina instantly reached for her hand.

"Please don't apologise, you never have to apologise to me or call me Luna." She squeezed the woman's hand. "You are the strongest woman I have ever met; I should call you Luna." Isabella blushed her bright eyes widening at the compliment.

"How are you feeling?" Isabella asked sitting next to her.

"I-" Alina went to answer but a frantic looking Ryder burst into the room.

"Ina!" He ran over to her and engulfed her in a bear like hug, she pulled back from him and cupped his handsome face in her hands watching the myriad of emotions flash in his beautiful eyes.

"I'm here Ryder, I'm right here I was just hungry." She soothed him leaning up and kissing his lips gently. "I'm not going anywhere." She whispered to him as though taming a wild beast. He let her down gently on to the stool she had been sitting on and wiped his hands over his face.

"I'm sorry Ina, I just...I..." He couldn't finish his sentence she could see the fear still etched in his emerald eyes.

"I know." She smiled at him wrapping her arms around his waist immediately she felt the tension leave his body as his hand crept up to play with her hair. Marion placed her bacon sandwich in front of her and Alina leand forward letting out a moan of satisfaction as she bit into the crispy sandwich.

"I thought you only moaned like that for me." Ryder whispered in her ear but it was loud enough that both Alina and Marion had to hold in their giggles. Alina felt her cheeks flush and the familiar want pool between her legs. "I'm going for a shower, M can I get one of those when I am back?" Ryder was chuckling to himself as he left the room.

"Mum!" Tobias came bouncing in the room, Kylan behind with the widest grin Alina had ever seen him wear. "Luna!" Tobias diverted from his moth to Alina which made her smile as she lifted him on to her lap. "Are you okay Luna?" He asked her taking her face in his small hands, Alina smiled but bit her lip as she felt un-shed tears burning in the backs of her eyes. "It won't hurt forever." He told her his violet eyes staring into her soul. "Pinky promise." He smiled at her offering his pinky to her, Alina took it in her pinky finger, seemingly satisfied he turned and began to chatter to his mother and Kylan who had his arm wrapped possessively around Isabella.

"I was going to take Toby out for some training if that's okay?" She heard Kylan ask.

"Of course." Isabella smiled up at him adoringly, which Kylan returned before leaning down and kissing the side of her neck where Alina noticed a light bite mark.

"Thank you." He kissed her again. "Come on then Toby let's leave the women to it." Kylan walked over and lifted Tobias into his arms. "You look well Luna."

"You too Kylan." She winked at him, he blushed slightly turning to kiss Isabella's cheek.

"See you later sunshine." He whispered to her before he exited the room.

"He didn't waste time marking you." Marion laughed as she joined them at the breakfast bar, seemingly finished cooking.

"Marion!" Isabella only halfheartedly scolded the older woman.

"He is a strapping man, I bet it was dreamy." Marion winked laughing as Isabella turned even more red.

"Marion!" She squealed again. "Well, looks like I'm on my own today, do you want to do something Alina?" Isabella asked attempting to hide her ever reddening cheeks.

"Sure what did you have in mind?" Alina smiled as she finished her sandwich. "Best bacon sandwich ever, M."

"I don't know, girlie day at the spa?" Isabella shrugged.

"Ooo, a girlie day does that mean an old hag like me can pop along?" Marion asked a twinkle in her eyes.

"You are not an old hag." Alina reached over taking the older woman's hand. "And of course you can come."

"Good, give me half hour to shower and be ready!" Marion jumped up.

"Me too, back here in half an hour?" Alina also stood looking at Isabella who nodded excitedly. Alina grabbed the bacon sandwich Marion had made for Ryder and ran up to their room, she actually felt excited, she needed to be off of the complex she needed some girlie time some normality.

As she entered the bedroom Ryder exited their bathroom with just a towel hanging on his hips. Alina immediately caught her breath her eyes travelling down his very well-formed torso.

"Ina, heart, don't look at me like that." He warned her but she couldn't help herself, her eyes continued to wander down his body and she found herself biting her lip as she imagined what the towel was hiding. "Ina." He growled at her.

"Sorry." She said breathlessly tearing her eyes from his body to his eyes, she saw the lust in them and knew they reflected her own. "I, we, we're going to the spa." She managed to say keeping her eyes trained on his emerald ones.

"We?" He asked walking over to the wardrobe.

"Me, Izzy and M." She responded placing his sandwich down.

"Okay." He smiled walking toward her and pulling her in for a cuddle. "Just be careful heart." He whispered in to her hair. "And come home to me please."

"Always." She smiled tiptoeing to kiss him.

"Please take Quillon with you." He requested against her lips.

"Of course, he loves a spa day." She giggled. 

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