Chapter 5 - Poison

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 "What the fuck happened!" Ryder growled looking directly at Marion.

"I tried to get to her Alpha but she told me to stay back and I couldn't get near her until she gave me permission." She cocked her eyebrow at him making sure Max wasn't able to see her gesture.

"Max go and get the doctor now." He growled Max nodded and closed the door behind me.

"Before you even speak pup remember who you are talking to!" She folder her arms across her chest.

"I am still your Alpha." He growled not appreciating the way his aunt was openly disrespecting him.

"Yes, you are but you are my nephew and I know her pain is yours but there really wasn't anything I could do." She sighed walking over to the bed taking seat near the two of them. "I've never felt anything like Ryder, all she said was stay back and it was as if I had no control over my limbs."

"Kylan said the same." He acknowledged staring at her pale frame. "She doesn't look good M." He barely whispered.

"Now you listen to me pup, the Goddess would not send her to you only to take her away. She must be strong if she has the voice of the Goddess, she will pull through this." She was stern as she spoke to him but he saw the love and concern in her eyes.

"I've never heard of the Goddess giving a human a gift." He stroked Alina's cheek the action causing her to lean into his hand further a gesture that had his heart swelling.

"How is the girl?" Marion asked.

"She didn't make it." He answered, that was going to break her heart when she woke but he couldn't tell her the little girl had been dead when she had handed her to him.

"But you said-"

"She isn't well enough to hear it." He growled.

"Agreed." His aunt finally conceded. A knock came at the door, his aunt stood quickly, relative or not Ryder had to treat her like any other member of the pack and allowing her to sit on his bed was not what he would let any pack member do, in fact before today no one other than M had been in his bedroom.

"Enter." He boomed. "Doc." He nodded to the younger male who bowed his head in respect.

"Alpha." He stepped toward Ryder and Alina and without thought Ryder growled. "Alpha I need to be able to touch her so I can figure out what is wrong with her."

"Alpha." Kylan stepped into his room nodding his head in respect as he did so.

"Alpha please, if you just lay her down for a moment and then you can hold her again." The doctor was looking at him expectantly.

"Alpha let the doc take a look." Kylan was beside him now.

"Fine but if you touch her in any way I don't deem appropriate so help me Elliott I will rip your throat out." He growled gently setting her back on the bed resting her head against the pillows. She groaned when he left her side their bond was strong Ryder could feel it to and went to cradle her again but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He growled at the contact.

"Alpha he needs to check her." Kylan's words were a soft command, the truth was had Kylan wanted to he could have formed his own pack, he was more than capable being Alpha but he had requested to stay and be Beta.

Grudgingly Ryder stepped back standing by Kylan his fists clenched as the doctor took seat on his bed and began to check his mate. He lifted her eyelids and shone a light in them and continued to check her thoroughly.

The doctor stood up and began his eyes travelling Alina's body.

What is he doing? Magnar growled.

"I need her jeans off now." Elliott stated.

"Like fuck." Ryder took a step toward Elliott.

"The girl had been poisoned Alpha, the Luna is showing similar conditions." Elliott tried to sound commanding but Ryder could hear the fear in his tone.

"So, you need to strip my mate why?" It was Magnar that spoke now Ryder couldn't control him.

"She has a cut Alpha on her thigh I think that is where she is infected; I need to see it." The doctor looked panicked as he spoke quickly.

"Alpha he needs to look." It was Marion that spoke this time her voice soothing him somewhat. Ryder managed to push Magnar to the back of his mind.

"Fine, leave Beta." Without looking at him Ryder felt Kylan leave the room and close the door. Elliott made a move to undo the button on is mates' jeans and without thought Magnar surfaced grabbing the doctor by his throat. "Mine!"

"I'm...s-sorry Alpha I just-" Magnar squeezed his neck harder.

"Magnar!" Victoria, Marion's wolf, warned.

"I am the Alpha do not speak my name!" Magnar boomed loudly.

"If you kill the doctor he won't be able to heal the Luna." She growled at him. Magnar let out a fierce growl of his own as he dropped the Doctor back to the floor.

"I will remove her jeans." Ryder had returned.

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