Chapter 3 - Mate

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I am not sure what you guys want, short or long chapters so I am gonna do a mixture and will go with whatever you think is best :)

happy reading!

Ryder barely said the word aloud as he looked at the small brunette who looked more than a little pissed and smelt of fear. But he couldn't deny it this tiny creature in front of him was his mate. After all these years why now and why this one?

"Beta untie her!" Ryder found himself barking. Kylan entered the room and walked toward the female Magnar not happy about the close proximity but he stopped short of her and stood doing nothing. "Kylan!"

"I can't." Kylan growled back.


"She forbid me to touch her and apparently I still can't." Kylan almost sulked. Ryder growled though a part of him was happy that Kylan couldn't touch her taking a deep breath he walked toward the woman who tried to push herself into the concrete wall behind her.

"I'm just gonna undo the rope." Ryder found himself trying to soothe her. "To do that though I'm gonna have to touch you." He hunched down so he could look her in the eye she stared back at him with her light brown eyes and without thought he found himself reaching out and cupping her cheek in his hand her eyes grew wide but she didn't pull away from him. She felt the bond he could tell as her eyes dilated at the simple touch his wolf was panting excitedly too. "I'm going to untie you now." He told her his voice more gravelly than he expected but he felt himself smile the moment she nodded her head.

Ryder leant forward causing her scent to completely surround him and he found himself moving his head toward the crook of her neck as he moved his hands behind her to untie her. He inhaled deeply and felt her shudder beneath his touch causing a shiver of delight to radiate through him.

He untied her hands and pulled back slightly, not too much though he wanted to be as close as possible so he could continue to take in her beautiful scent. "My Beta tells me you have the Goddess' tongue." He smiled when her brows fused together with a questioning look. "So when I take the tape off I need you not to make any commands." He explained. "Do you understand." Her eyes didn't leave his and she nodded slowly. "It might hurt heart." He told her looking at the tape not wanting to rip it from her delicate skin but he needed to take it off he wanted to hear her voice, Magnar wanted to hear her voice. She simply nodded in acceptance. He ripped the tape from her mouth quickly.

"Son of a-" he placed his finger against her swollen lips because she could finish that sentence. He watched as once again her eyes dilated the gesture doing all sorts to his libido. She let out a small shriek as he lifted her and flung her over his shoulder.

"Alpha?" Kylan looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Let's hope your new Luna is a forgiving one." He told his Beta before strolling out of the room his mate flung over his shoulder whilst she shouted profanities at him.

She will be good for us, I like her! Magnar was hopping around like a pup.

Or the end of us, Ryder growled back.

She will make us stronger, she is the best of us, Magnar growled.

Ryder ignored his wolf and strode into his bedroom gently putting her down on the bed and for the first time taking in her appearance.

Her skin was pale but had colour to it, she had a spattering of freckles across her face which was currently flushed from being flung over his shoulder. Her eyes were light brown, no maybe dark they were so many browns he couldn't make up his mind. Her hair was the colour of chocolate and though she was scowling he couldn't help the way his manhood responded when he gazed down at her perfectly formed lips. Her cheeks bones were high, her features small she was beautiful, not the conventional beautiful but beautiful.

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