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Nayeon's POV

It was just an ordinary day as I was getting out of my apartment and left for work. I live somewhere in Seoul. I'm currently working on one of the best-known law firms in the city. I'm working as a secretary of Atty. Lee Joo Hwan. He's the best-known lawyer for criminal cases that he mostly wins every time. He's not that bad at work. He's very patient and courteous of his job. So yeah, I spend most of my time here at the firm organizing and helping Atty. Joo Hwan with his schedules and appointments.

And my life? No one wants to know about it. It's all plain and boring. I have my free time on the weekends. I spend most of my time watching Netflix, lay on the bed and eat whatever I want to eat. I'm a couch potato on the weekend and I'm never productive as an adult should be expected to be.

I was encoding my boss' schedule on my laptop when my boss appeared on my desk, which is apparently outside of his main office. "Nayeon-ssi, I'm done with my day today. Please cancel all my plans and go home. I have a date with my wife tonight. It's our wedding anniversary." He stated. I was surprised by the early dismissal. "Yes, Atty. and enjoy your night with your wife." I told him and gave him a respectful bow. He just nodded and went out.

I was fixing my stuff and place it inside my bag. I went home and continue watching the series on Netflix that I was really hooked with. It was about a guy who got obsessed with a blonde girl. He was a stalker and did stuff that never made him suspicious as a stalker. He was a sneaky and creepy man. It was a great story though. Then I bid my goodbyes to my workmates and went out quickly from the building. I went through the bus station and waited for about 10 minutes as the bus arrived.

I climbed inside the ride and tapped my card for the payment. I sat at the back row of the bus and wore my earphones. It was a cloudy afternoon ride as I observed outside the window. I checked my watch, and it was just 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I usually get out of work at 5:30 in the afternoon.

I took a deep breath and exhaled as I watched the views of the city. It was a calming mood I was having during the ride. When the bus already stopped at its next bus stop, I stood up and went out.

"I don't think I'm in the mood for some Netflix," I thought to myself. "Maybe I could go to the mall?" I finally decided.

I went first to my apartment and changed quickly my clothes. I just wore a plain white shirt, denim jeans, and a pair of black Converse. I took my keys and went out of the apartment.

I took a cab since I'm so lazy to ride a bus. I went inside the mall and stroll for a while. I used to love shopping so much. I shopped with my friends before when I was still in college. We mostly shop for clothes and skincare products. You know, just girly stuff. But everything changed when we graduated and separated our ways. We all had our own jobs as we finished our degree. And it's been years since I had our last shopping together. I had my friends with me always. But right now, we are already adults and we mostly don't have time to be together. Even though I have my weekends free. I just lost contact from them. I really miss them.

After strolling through the place, I went inside a coffee shop and ordered an iced latte. As I got my latte, I sat down in one empty table and wore my earphones again. I was sipping my coffee quietly when a familiar figure suddenly sat in front of me.

"Im Nayeon?!" she greeted.

I quickly removed my earphones. "Park Jihyo!" I greeted back.

We were both squealing as we recognized each other.

"Oh my god, Nayeon! It's been a while," Jihyo started. "How are you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

Well, Jihyo was my club mate. We used to be in theatre club before. Mostly we did musical theatre. Yes, I used to sing while acting. Or act while singing. Whatever. I'm kinda ashamed of it. Imagine the confidence I had before. Jihyo also used to be a friend of mine. I mean until now we're still friends. It's just that I haven't seen her in years, I guess?

"I've been good lately. How about you? Oh god, I've missed you so much, Jihyo." I hugged her tightly and felt a warm embrace from her too.

"Same here, Nayeon. I've been well. I've missed you too. We should catch up with the gals!" she said while wearing her smile with excitement.

"Sure! I haven't seen them either. I heard Mina and Momo went back to Japan." I said.

"What? That was 2 years ago," Jihyo laughed realizing I really had no idea or news about their lives. "They're already back here in Seoul. They just visited their families for a short time of period then flew back here. I think they're both teaching dance classes. They both share a dance studio. Mina teaches ballet while Momo teaches hip-hop."

Ah, the Japanese dancers. I really admired these two Japanese. Jihyo and I met them during our school performance. The dance club taught us, the theatre club, to do some choreography. They included Mina and Momo. We first hesitated to be with them since they're foreigners but they were really fun to be with. Until we four got closer and bond a lot of times before.

Momo was childish and whine always, yet when she dances, she turns into a different person. While Mina was a serious and shy type one. She's very graceful and flexible when she dances too. Both of them are undeniably talented.

"I see. I missed the Japanese. I haven't seen you girls in a while. I had no friends after we girls separated," reality hit me real hard, I didn't really have one. My life was so plain and boring. I already found comfort in being alone. That's why it didn't bother me to be alone. Yes, I had my workmates at the firm but I never bond with them. I just treated them as my acquaintances. Nothing more, nothing less.

I sheepishly smiled at Jihyo.

"So you've been alone all this time, Nayeon?" she asked.

I just nodded in response and took a sip with my coffee.

"You know what, my birthday is already close. So don't reject my invitation and come on my birthday. It'll be a party. I'll call Mina and Momo to be there. Let's have our mini-reunion. Okay?" Jihyo said while she held my hand.

"All right then. I'll go." I answered.

"It'll be in our resort. So bring your swimsuit," she winked at me.

"What? You know I don't like beaches or even a swimming pool, Park Jihyo. I'll go just to meet you, girls."

Jihyo groaned as she heard my protest, "Ugh, Nayeon, don't be a killjoy. Will you?"

I rolled my eyes and thought of giving her a chance, "Fine! Whatever makes you happy, Jihyo."

"Yey! And also, I'll be inviting some of my friends too. So maybe you'll meet someone at the party." She beamed.

"I doubt that," I took another sip of my coffee.

First chapter is out! Hope this story excites you to read more. Please, don't forget to vote. Thanks!
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