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A week has passed since my vacation at Jihyo's resort. Jihyo dropped me off in my apartment first and bid my goodbyes to the girls. Jeongyeon asked for my number in case she wanted to contact me. I didn't hesitate to give it, of course.

However, it's been a week since we saw each other. And I haven't received any calls or text messages from her. Yet, I was still waiting for her. I didn't have her number though. I was waiting for her to do the first move.

It was a Sunday afternoon and the weather was gloomy. I wasn't in the mood to watch the tv series I was hooked with. I just laid in my bed, the usual lazy Im Nayeon I was.

I was staring at my phone waiting for a miracle to happen. But a few minutes of staring to nothing, I gave up. I stood up and grabbed a towel. I took a shower.

After my shower, I checked my phone again. In my surprise, my phone got a new message from an unknown number. I got excited and quickly opened the message.

Hi, Im Nayeon-ssi :)

I tried stopping myself from squealing. Certainly, I did expect it was Jeongyeon. So I replied immediately.

Hi. Btw, who's this?

I was waiting for the message but it didn't take a minute. I throw my phone on my bed then wore my comfy clothes. Like the sweats I usually wear.

I went back to my bed and checked my phone. Another message popped.

Before I reveal myself, I would like to say sorry first.

I was really sure that it was Jeongyeon. Maybe she was sorry for not contacting me for a week.

It's okay. Now, please tell me who's this.

I lost my patience and asked the unknown person immediately for his/her identity. However, I was positive it was Jeongyeon.

Well, I'm outside your apartment. If you don't mind, can you open the door? :)

"Omo, she's here!" I gasped. I quickly ran to my door and opened it. The next thing I knew, I wasn't expecting the person standing in front of the damn door.

"Kim Jennie? What the hell are you doing here?" I wasn't pleased about what happened.

I wanted to scream but I tried stopping myself. My neighbor would probably go out from their rooms and see what's happening.

"I, uh-" she lost her words. She was about to leave but someone stopped her. She wasn't alone. She turned around and faced me again.

I raised an eyebrow waiting for her to say something. "Well?" I asked.

"I brought Chinese food. Can we talk?" she finally spoke.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door widely for them to enter. Jennie and probably her friend went inside my home. I went to my kitchen to get some plates.

The two girls sat on the couch and relaxed. I walked towards them and placed the plates on the table. The atmosphere was so damn awkward. It felt like I wasn't even in my own place.

The unknown girl coughed to break the silence, "By the way, I'm Lisa. Lisa Manoban. I'm Jennie's girlfriend." she spoke formally. She reached out for her hand asking for a handshake. I didn't think twice to take her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Im Nayeon." I introduced to her.

She just nodded in response. She shifted her way to Jennie who seemed to be nervous as hell. She was just staring on the floor and didn't say anything.

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