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I feel trapped at Jisoo's house. After we left the hospital, I haven't gone out of her house since then. I told Chaeyoung and my sisters about it and told them not to do anything. Chaeyoung was pissed off and my sisters were worried.

However, I feel fine and doing well now. My wound is getting healed and I still have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow. Even if I feel trapped, Jisoo has been great in taking care of me.

I hated her, yet, she was different when we got here. She was quiet and unusual. Or I don't know. I feel defeated and weak that I had no choice but to stick to her plan. Nayeon, won't talk to me, so what's the point.

Nayeon's POV

Jihyo finally showed up after contacting her for days. She was busy with her family's business.

We both went to a coffee shop after work. I asked her to see me and explain everything. I directly asked her about Jeongyeon after we settled in. She explained to me first about Jisoo's plan and the threats just like what I heard from Jisoo. And also Jeongyeon's plans too but didn't go well.

"You see, Nayeon. Jeongyeon would never doubt your trust. However, that night we saw her kissing with Jisoo, I had no idea about it." I didn't look at her while she was talking.

"Like I have told you, I know Jeongyeon very well, Nayeon. I know she has explaining to do. Have you talked to her?" she asked.

I shook my head. I haven't talked to her ever since. We always had bad timing. Always a bad timing.

"See? Hear her out first." Jihyo said.

I sighed as I realized I haven't talked to her. But she left me text message though. I guess she was sincere. However, I can't let my guard down this time.

For years, I've been gaining and building myself up just because of betrayal. It was never easy. I've been through hell. And I feel like this is happening to me again. I don't know, I feel like I already drained myself because of this complicated situation.

"Nayeon?" Jihyo called my name. I was spacing out.

"Yeah? Sorry."

"It's for you to decide," she continued. "I'm not choosing sides here. We've been friends for years already. And so as with Jeongyeon. I love you both." she held my hands and stared at me, "I know you both love each other. I haven't seen Jeongyeon this in love. You're the first person that made her to."

I just nodded and felt like crying this time. Timing is always a bitch to our relationship. I love her but damn, I fucking hate this feeling. I feel like I can't trust her again.

Jihyo and I were quiet for a moment. Jihyo was scribbling with her phone while I was drinking my coffee peacefully. I unexpectedly saw Chaeyoung and Mina entered the coffee shop. They were both alone.

"Chaeyoung's here with Mina," I told Jihyo. She turned around to see them. "Yeah, maybe they're doing great now." I sighed again and wanted to have the same.

Mina saw us and decided to reach our table. "Unnie," she greeted.

"Hey, Minari." Jihyo and I said in unison.

"I'm here with Chaeyoung," she uttered timidly.

"Yeah, we saw her. It seems like you two are doing great now." I told her.

"Yeah. She apologized and explained every detail. I already know everything, unnie. Jeongyeon unnie deserves a chance."

Then I saw Chaeyoung with two cups of coffee in her hands. "Hey, unnies." she greeted.

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