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I almost choked on my third drink when I was taken aback by her offer. I tried coughing it away.

"Nayeon, are you alright?" Jeongyeon was rubbing my back as I was trying to fix myself.

When I calmed down, I drank my drink slowly. "Uh, yeah." I gulped nervously.

"Okay. So is it a yes or yes?" she asked.

"Uh, why?" I was confused. The grip on my glass was so tight because of this woman.

"Like I've said, Nayeon. I'm interested in you. If you think I'm not a good person or I can't be trusted, then shoot me with personal questions and I'll answer them honestly. Promise." she raised her right hand and smiled.

I wanted too. Of course, I would accept her offer. It's just that she was so random and what's so good about me that she got interested in?

"Okay then," I took a sip on my drink. "How many siblings do you have?" I asked.

"Two. I have two unnies. I am the youngest." she took a sip of her drink too.

"What made you choose to own a bar?" I suddenly asked a random question.

"My dad's a chef. He owns a restaurant. Then my second sister owns a coffee shop. And lastly, my eldest owns a bakery. That's why it made me decide to have a bar. Not that I'm an alcoholic or what. I just want to run a business related to drinks, I guess." she chuckled.

"Wow. Your family runs a lot of business. How are you holding up with your business?"

"At first, it was hard. But I was able to manage things well," she responded. It seemed that Jeongyeon's a responsible woman.

"By the way," I started. "How were you friends with Jihyo?" I asked her and emptied my glass. I poured another drink. I realized it was my fourth drink.

"She's a friend of Chaeyoung and Chaeng is my friend. Chaeng brought Jihyo, Sana, and Tzuyu at my bar then everything started there." she took another sip.

She was telling me stories and I enjoyed listening to them. But I was kinda bit dizzy as I felt the strong wind coming from the shore. I knew that moment I was getting tipsy. But I didn't make things obvious. However, my eyes betrayed me. They fell half when I tried to normalize my gaze towards Jeongyeon.

"Are you drunk?" she asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? No, it's just the wind. It got me tired." I know, I'm bad at lying.

Jeongyeon chuckled making fun with my lame excuse. She went near me and sat on my side, "Come here," she grabbed my head slowly and placed it on her shoulder. "You can sleep here for a while." she was closer to me and I can hear my heart beating faster.

"How will I know you won't take advantage of me?" I furrowed my eyebrows making sure this woman won't do anything stupid.

"Give me your phone, I'll call one of the girls." without hesitation I gave her my phone.

She grabbed my phone and done something which I hade no idea because I felt my eyelids were getting heavier. I had no choice but to close my eyes.

Next thing I know I heard her calling someone,

"Hey, it's Jeongyeon. Nayeon and I are here by the shore. Well, Nayeon got drunk. I'll take her to your room later. Yes, understood...yes, Momo-ssi...I will... Bye!" she finished the call.

I didn't move even a bit. My head got heavier as well. I have to admit but I was drunk by then. Jeongyeon didn't move too. She was just sitting quietly and lending me her shoulder.

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