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My week went fine after that unexpected night at Jeongyeon's condo with her two sisters. I had my ordinary days at work. Except that I wasn't alone anymore. Dahyun and I ate our lunch together, and also went home together.

Dahyun also told me stories about how she had a lot of fun with that night at Jeongyeon's bar with my friends. Jihyo individually sent them home with their respective houses. She even told me about when she got so drunk, Momo and Sana helped her get inside her apartment. I cackled the whole time remembering her funny experience.

Anyways, it's already Friday night and I got nothing to do but watch Netflix. I was in my sweats already when someone knocked on the door. I whined, annoyed by thought who could've been this time. I stood up lazily to open the door.

To my surprise, it was my friends Momo, Mina and Jihyo. "Hey, Nayeon!" they all greeted me.

"What are you girls doing here?" I asked them. I noticed they brought a huge plastic bag with them.

"We're having a sleepover! Surprise!" Momo shrieked. They all went inside my apartment. Momo and Mina set the plastic bags they brought at the counter. While Jihyo removed her coat. I had no choice but to let them in.

"What did you girls bring?" I checked the plastic bags. It was filled with snacks and soda. I prayed quietly thanking all gods for no alcoholic drinks for tonight.

"Unnie, can I take a shower? I just got out of the studio. I'm all sweaty and stinky." Mina asked while she was carrying her bag with her.

"Sure. Not a problem." I replied.

Momo and Jihyo then prepared the snack they brought. They set four glasses and poured chips in a bowl.

"How are you, Nayeonie?" Jihyo asked. "I'm good. Nothing new. How about you two? How's work coming up?" I asked back.

"Just the same. Tired with work and stressed." Jihyo answered.

"Well, I'm tired of dancing the same dance the whole week. And Mina has been cranky these days." Momo grumbled.

"Maybe she's tired too or something. Did you ask her why?" She shook her head, "I'm too tired to ask. I've been stressed about my job. But she seemed fine after yesterday though." she added and munched another chip.

"What about yesterday?"

"Chaeyoung picked her at the studio." my eyes widened with Momo's answer.

"Wait, what? Chaeyoung picked her?" I asked again. Momo nodded.

We went to the living room and sat on the couch while Jihyo sat on the floor. "Why did Chaeyoung picked her?" I continued asking Momo. But she just shrugged in response.

Abruptly, I heard a clicked from the bathroom. Mina came out on her pajamas and a towel stuck on her head.

"Ah, my turn!" Momo stood up grabbing her bag and rapidly ran inside the bathroom.

Mina sat on the couch beside me, "What you were girls talking about?"

"You," Jihyo answered with her eyes on the screen. "Me? What about me?" Mina blinked a couple of times being shocked.

"Momo told us about you being cranky. Then Chaeyoung picked you up at your studio. You two have a thing now?" I grinned as I dropped a surprising question.

Mina was obviously nervous with my question, "I, uh, i-it's n-not t-that." her voice was shaking.

"Chill Minari, I was just asking." I chuckled. "So do you like Chaeyoung? I've seen how close you two are."

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