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5 months later

Jeongyeon and I were doing well now. We've been calling every day just to check on each other. She's been busy with her part-time job while Jisoo has been busy with her business. Jeongyeon decided to lie low her life in Italy. Also, they were able to convince their fathers about their relationship. However, the problem they were facing wasn't solved yet. So, they can't go back to Seoul. This saddens me a little but I'm patiently waiting for her.

Jeongyeon lived with Jisoo in an apartment but having separated rooms. It was a complicated and confusing situation we were having. However, we manage to handle things well.

"Yah! Nabong! What are you doing?" she screamed through my phone. I'm having a video call with her right now. She just finished her shift and it's already 11 PM in Milan while it's 6 AM here in Seoul.

"I'm preparing for breakfast. I'm hungry!" I shouted since I was facing my back on her while preparing cereal and milk.

I went back to the counter with my food and look at my phone standing in front of me. Jeongyeon yawned and looked tired from work.

"How's work?" I asked.

"It was fine. Just normal." she tried smiling. Jeongyeon worked in a coffee shop. She wanted to learn new things and apply them to her sister's shop. And also, it's her first time to have a real job on her own.

"Anyways, Rosé will come over to your apartment later," she uttered.

"Why?" I asked while munching my cereal.

"It's a surprise." she giggled. "Okay bye now, love you. I'm heading to bed now." she kissed through the phone and waved.

"What? Wait!" then she ended the call without answering. "What's that all about?" I whispered.

I prepared myself for work after I had my breakfast then headed out for work.

Work wasn't much stressful like usual. My boss hasn't been busy these days too. I saw Dahyun, Seungcheol, and Mingyu going out for lunch. I joined them and chatted for a short time after we ate.

As the clock hits 5 PM, we all went home. Like the old days, I rode the bus home with Dahyun. I wore my headphones while watching the view outside. I texted Jeongyeon telling her I'm heading home. I knew she's already awake at this hour.

I rushed inside the apartment to call give a video call to Jeongyeon. However, she wasn't answering.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my front door. I quickly went to open it. Then I saw Rosé smiling.

"Hey, Nayeon." she greeted.

"Hey, come in," I told her. We both went inside the living room.

"Have you packed yet?" she asked. I looked at her puzzled what she meant by packing.

"What do you mean?"

"Jeongyeon didn't tell you?" she smiled while asking.

"Tell me what?" my face frowned knowing Jeongyeon didn't tell me something again.

"Hey, relax." she laughed. "Okay, you only have," she checked her wristwatch, "You only have three hours to pack before our flight comes. So hurry!"

Rosé pushed me to my room quickly, and I flinched because of her strong arms. "Wait! Where are we going?!" I screamed.

"Italy! Jisoo already sent us tickets three days ago for our one-week stay." she laughed even louder and excitedly noticing I really had no idea about this trip.

"What the-? Are you serious?" I gaped knowing this was the surprise Jeongyeon was telling me.

"Yes! So hurry and prepare your stuff. Especially your passport!"

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