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The girls then hugged me quickly as they saw me.

"Mina! Momo!" I responded to their hugs.

"We missed you so much, Nayeon unnie," Mina uttered while hugging me so tight.

"It's been 3 and a half year since the last time we saw you, Nayeonie." it was Momo who blurted out.

Oh my, that long? Well, after I graduated I didn't contact one of them. Like I've said, I shut them out. But never did I know it was that long already. I feel terrible.

"I'm so sorry, girls." I cried.

They just smiled at me with delight as I wiped my tears away. I felt so bad. They were always there for me.

The three of us went inside my apartment. They brought pizza and drinks. I went to the kitchen to get some plates and glass for the food.

As I went back, Mina and Momo went in tears as well. I laughed as I've seen them silently crying.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked them.

Momo looked up, "I just missed you real bad, Nayeon."

"Awee, I've missed you so much, girls," I answered.

"I blame that, excuse me for my word, I blame that bitch Jennie," Mina exclaimed. It surprised me hearing her say the word. I laughed out loud with her choice of words.

"So, are you really now okay, unnie?" Mina asked.

"Yeah. I've moved on a long time ago. I've been really well now. How about you girls? I heard you both shared a dance studio?" then I took a bite of my pizza.

"Yeah. We've been teaching kids these days." Momo answered then took a bite on her pizza.

"So Nayeon unnie, Jihyo called us after you two met. We were excited when we heard news about you. How are you, really? We've been worried sick since the day you left the dorm and went back to your parent's house. You suddenly changed your number after a few months since then." Mina gazed her eyes on me. I can see her concern about my situation.

"I'm so sorry about what I've done. I know it was so rude and cruel of me to leave you girls hanging. I shut you girls too. I don't know what exact explanation I should tell you. But it was so hard for me back then. I've been depressed. I didn't know what to do about it.

"You two were already busy with your dance club. And Jihyo was gaining more popularity with the theatre club plus she's been busy too with the performances. I don't want you girls to burden with my problems too. I know it was a selfish move, I'm just, I'm so sorry." I was crying already when I told them what happened.

"After I left the dorm, I went back home and looked for a job. Luckily, I accepted at the law firm I am working as a secretary. Then I never left the firm ever since. I found an apartment and left home." I continued.

"Well, we're just glad you are doing great, Nayeon unnie." Mina smiled at me with satisfaction.

Momo was still eating pizza like there's no tomorrow. Typical Momo loves to eat and eat. Sometimes I envy this woman. She never gets fat even after tons of meal she already ate.

"Yah, Momo-ya! Leave some pizza for us." I exclaimed.

Momo beamed at us, "We'll just order another box."

Mina and I laughed at her.

Reality hit me again, I've missed being with them. I spaced out for a second. Guilt overruled me. They don't deserve what I did.

"Unnie?" Mina tapped my shoulder.

"Uh, yeah? I'm sorry."

"Stop saying you're sorry, unnie. What matter is that you're okay now. Don't leave us like that, okay?" Mina making me reassured.

I just nodded in response.

"By the way, how'd you know my address? Even Jihyo didn't know my place." I asked them.

"We called your parents. We were desperate already." Momo answered.

"I see."

"Unnie, don't you ever leave us again. Please? I want us four be back like before." Mina said again, and she gave me a side hug.

"Yes, Minari. I won't leave you ever again. I was excited after Jihyo invited me on her birthday. I can't wait to see you girls." I hugged her back.

"I just can't wait for the pool party!" Momo shouted as she raised both of her arms. "Nayeonie, bring your swimsuit. Okay?!" Momo glared at me like she's giving me an order.

"Ugh, yeah yeah. Whatever. I just want to party with you girls again. Like before." I showed them my ecstatic self. "I haven't been in a party for a while now," I added.

"Really, unnie?" Mina was shocked by my last statement.

"Yeah. I've been loving myself being alone. Plus, I spend my time at the firm. Atty. Joo Hwan is a busy man." I explained.

"Poor, Nayeonie. No worries my friend. Because Jihyo's birthday will be epic. I was surprised she wanted to have a pool party at their resort. Maybe this was the sign that we'll be together again." Maybe Momo was right. Maybe it was a sign that we'll have our reunion.

"So don't miss the party. Okay, Nayeon unnie?"

"Arraseo, Minari." I smiled at her.

We continued our talks and catch up on each other's lives until it was night time. I still can't believe it's been 3 and a half year since I ghosted my friends. I need to make up with them. I can no longer bear the thought of losing them again.

They left my apartment after we had dinner. They still have their appointments at their dance studio. And I too have a job to do at the firm.

I can't stop smiling at myself as I laid on my bed thinking how happy I am for meeting with my friends again. I just can't wait for Jihyo's party to happen.

"What could possibly happen?" I asked myself.

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