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It's been four days since we live together. Jeongyeon had been a sweet and caring girlfriend to me. Well, she had no choice because her sisters had been calling us time to time and been asking how Jeongyeon treated me.

Every morning, she sends me to my office and picks me up after. But this time, I had a company dinner and my boss told me not to reject it. I've been sticking to Dahyun since I had no friends other than her in the office.

"Unnie, let's drink!" Dahyun excitedly said while holding a bottle of soju.

"No thanks, I still have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I went back to grilling my meat.

"Aish, Nayeon-ssi. You can take the day off tomorrow. Just take the drink from Ms. Kim," it was my boss who was already holding a glass. He was already drinking with the other Attorneys.

So, I took the shot from Dahyun and drank it. Its taste stings in every part of my body. I hate soju. "Way to go, unnie!" Dahyun excitedly said.

The other employees in the office were with us at the table. I know their faces but already forgot their names. There this one guy kept on smiling at me like there's something on my face.

"This guy in front of me keeps on smiling. What's his problem?" I whispered to Dahyun.

"That's Seungcheol oppa. He's nice, unnie. I'll introduce you to him." I was about to stop her but she already spoke to the guy.

"Oppa! Meet Im Nayeon unnie. She's under Atty. Lee. Nayeon unnie, meet Seungcheol oppa." Seungcheol reached out for his hand. I shook his hand for formality.

"Nice to meet you, Nayeon-ssi. Choi Seungcheol, I'm a paralegal in the office." Seungcheol introduced with his smile again.

"Nice to meet you too, Seungcheol," I told him.

Seungcheol was with a guy friend too. His friend was kinda bit hot and manly. Okay, I'm not drooling over his friend. I'm just observing. But seriously, he's one fine man.
"By the way, this is Kim Mingyu. He's also a paralegal." Seungcheol introduced to us his friend.

After a few introductions of ourselves, we continued drinking and the guys joined us. Dahyun kept on pouring soju on my glass. Even if I kept on telling her to stop because Jeongyeon will kill me.

"Just tell Jeongyeon unnie you're with me," Dahyun said while beaming.

"We can drop you home, Nayeon-ssi. If you want to." Seungcheol offered. He sensed that I was getting tipsy because of these shots.

"No, no. It's okay. I'll ask Jeongyeon to pick me up."

I fished my phone to text Jeongyeon about it. But I received a text message from her first:

I can't pick you up tonight, Nabong. There's a problem here at the bar. I need to settle this first. This might take longer. I'm sorry.

I groaned in disappointment. I sighed and replied:

It's okay. I'll go home with Dahyun then. You take care. I'll see you home.

I put my phone back in my bag. I poured another shot of soju and drank it quickly. "Slow down, unnie." I heard Dahyun while she guided me.

"Let's drink more tonight. My girlfriend won't be able to make it." I raised the soju.

I noticed how Seungcheol and Mingyu were startled with I just exclaimed.

"What?" I directed my gaze to them.

Mingyu's mouth was shut while Seungcheol wanted to say something, "I'm just curious, Nayeon-ssi. Uh, you have a girlfriend?" he stammered while asking.

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