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Jeongyeon's POV

After I took a shower, I wrapped myself a towel and dried my hair. I went out with a full smile on my face because of Nayeon's day off.

However, I was stunned as I saw her kneeling with tears falling from her eyes. "Nayeon!" I quickly went over her. "What happened?"

She looked at me with her eyes full of anger, "Explain me this, Jeongyeon." she held high my phone showing my conversation with Jisoo on the screen.

"I, uh-" fuck! I can't say anything. There's no single word coming out from my dumb mouth. I held back my breath and froze on how Nayeon stared at me. She was furious.

"I thought so," she said and stood up while leaving me stuck with my fucking body.

As she rapidly left the room, I slapped myself so hard that I deserve every sting I feel on my cheek. I immediately went to my closet to put clothes on and went out of the room. Nayeon wasn't in the living room nor the kitchen. I checked the balcony, she wasn't there too.

I dialed her phone but she wasn't answering. All of my calls are directed to voicemail. "Damn it!!!" I screamed to myself. She left with just her phone.

I went out of the unit and ran through the elevator. When I reached the ground floor, I asked the front desk if they saw Nayeon, but bad luck was always with me. "No, ma'am. I didn't see her pass here," she said.

I decided to go back and still, Nayeon wasn't there. I cried and cried knowing she misunderstood everything first. And I hated myself for being this coward and stupid for not explaining to her the real situation.

I looked myself at the mirror and whispered, "I fucking hate you." and yes, I was talking to my reflection. My eyes were already puffy and red from crying. I had no idea where Nayeon could be.

Why am I having this bad luck now? Why am I facing this? Suddenly, my phone buzzed for a text message. I quickly looked at the message.

However, I kept on dialing her number but still, she wasn't answering

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However, I kept on dialing her number but still, she wasn't answering. I wanted to go to her but her text message says that she needs space. Damn it, I didn't do anything wrong!

Then I dialed Chaeyoung's number instead.

"Hello? Chaeyoung-ah!" I shouted.

"What? Stop shouting, will you? What do you want? I'm at work." she was whispering to her phone.

"I'm so screwed. Nayeon read the message I had with Jisoo. She thought I was with Jisoo the whole night. Now, she won't talk to me." I started pacing around the room feeling uneasy.

"And that's my problem because...?"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I yelled again.

"Will stop shouting? I'm having a bad hangover right now because of you!" I moved the phone away from my ear.

"It ain't my fault how low your alcohol tolerance is. Ugh! You are no help. Thanks for nothing." I groaned how useless this person can be.

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