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"Looking for me?"

I was in awe as I saw this stranger. She's very pretty. I mean, the girl's hot and I can't help myself but blush. She had a short and blonde hair.

"And this is Jeongyeon." Jihyo introduced her to us.

"Annyeong, I'm Yoo Jeongyeon." she smiled and gave us a small wave.

I kept on staring at Jeongyeon while she was with us. I was curious about her. She seemed nice and fun to be with. I just can feel it. Well, she was giving me an elegant and classic beauty. Maybe that's why. And I admit, she's my type.

"Ugh, what if she's straight?" I hissed to myself again.

"What's that again, unnie?" Mina turned her way on me. Aish, someone heard me talking to myself again.

"Uh, nothing. I said I'm hungry." I lied. Well, not technically. Not for food though.

An hour later, the party was getting crowded. More people were coming and we already saw some people drinking. It was like a college party.

We were sitting together on a huge round table with Jihyo's other friends. I saw Mina and Chaeyoung talking. They seemed to be having a nice conversation.

Momo and Sana were already drinking and laughing. It seemed they were also having a fun talk. While Tzuyu was just observing people around us. Glaring at the people who were having a great night.

I was just sitting with an empty seat beside me. Listening to the loud music and trying to endure the vibe around us. But I was kinda bit bored. No one talked to me or initiated a convo. I sighed deeply. I'm no fun, I guess.

I stood up and went over to the minibar to have a drink. I greeted the bartender, "Hey! Can I have a vodka with lime soda?"

"Sure!" the bartender then took a bottle of vodka and a can of lime soda. He mixed both drinks and put it in a glass. He smiled while giving me the drink.

I thanked him and grabbed my drink. The music was still loud and people were getting hyped with the EDM playlist. I casually nod my head and move myself a little. I wanna dance so bad but I don't have someone to dance with. Besides, I'm shy.

"Having fun?" I heard a familiar voice near me.

I looked at the person and it was Jeongyeon! My eyes widened as I saw her smiling at me.

Since the place was too loud, I can't talk to her normally. I leaned closer to her, "Yeah. People are getting crazy." I responded. Thank god, I wasn't stuttering. I felt nervous being with her.

"So, you wanna join them?" she asked.

"I don't have the confidence yet. Maybe after two drinks or three." I raised my glass showing her I was drinking something and I needed to get drunk first to gain my confidence. Yeah, it's stupid. I know.

She laughed at my answer, "I see. Then shall we drink somewhere else and just come back here when we feel dancing like them?" she asked while beaming. Ugh, that smile. It's too cute.

I had no choice but to nod shyly.

"What are you drinking?"

"Just vodka and lime soda," I answered.

She talked to the bartender about something. Then a few minutes later, the bartender gave her a bottle of vodka, a can of lime soda and a glass.

"Shall we?" she invited me. I nodded again and followed her.

She walked through a quiet place. We were kinda bit far from the party already. She brought me exactly at the shore.

We both sat down and the silence was awkward. But she broke it, "I'm sorry but I wasn't able to know your name. Miss?"

Looking for Felicity (2YEON)Where stories live. Discover now