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"You may now kiss your lovely bride." we all cheered for our friend as they kissed.

Finally, after years of waiting, they got married! It was also a tough ride for their relationship. However, they were able to get through it. And I'm happy for both of them.

"Way to go, Chaeyoung!" Jeongyeon shouted seeing the couple kissed again. I hit Jeongyeon with my arm when she started screaming like an idiot.

"Ouch! Stop that!" she complained.

"Wae? Wae? Wae?" I mocked at her.

She glowered at me looking pissed off with what I did. I beamed at her trying to cool off her head a little. I giggled nervously, "Sorry, I was just teasing."

I saw how she rolled her eyes and scoffed. Then I held her hand and walked towards our friends.

"You two fighting again?" Jihyo asked noticing Jeongyeon looking displeased while holding me.

"Nope, I was just teasing her. Am I not right, Janggo?" I glared at her.

Jeongyeon shook her head and kissed on my forehead. "That's more like it," I whispered.

"Okay, it's time for the brides' friends." the emcee announced to us for the picture taking.

We quickly went to the newlyweds and congratulate them.

The photographer arranged for us to fit in the camera. The friends that the emcee meant were me, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Tzuyu and Dahyun. Dahyun was already a part of our circle of friends. And of course, Chaeyoung and Mina who I meant by the newlyweds.

"Okay, 1 2 3, smile!" the photographer pressed the shutter. We all smiled genuinely with our group picture.

"Congratulations again, Minari! I'm so happy for you." I hugged Mina who seemed to enjoy her wedding.

"Thank you, unnie. I couldn't be happier than this day," she said with tears again in her eyes.

"Aigoo, stop crying. You still need to be pretty for later's event." I winked at her as I meant by their honeymoon. Mina laughed nervously. Then I hugged her for the last time and went to Chaeyoung this time.

"Yah! I'll be watching you. You know I'm always a call away for Mina. If anything goes wrong-" I didn't finish my sentence when Jeongyeon held me and covered my mouth.

"Aish! Will you stop nagging for once? It's their wedding, give her a break already." Jeongyeon was restraining me and I saw Chaeyoung burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, unnie. I won't do anything reckless and stupid to my wife. You can always count on me." Chaeyoung smiled with the dignity that she will surely take good care of my friend. "Anyway, we just followed you two in getting married. We were kinda bit jealous already, and I instantly asked Mina to be my wife too." she chuckled with her last statement.

Jeongyeon and I got speechless. We both stared at each other with hesitation about what to say next.

"Aigoo, these two are getting embarrassed. Any advice you can give as a married couple?" Chaeyoung teasingly pinched each of our cheeks when none of us answered her.

"Anyhow, we'll go now, unnies. We'll see you soon!" Chaeyoung bid her goodbye to us and so us Mina.

"Yah! Be a good wife to Mina, Chaeyoung-ah!" Jeongyeon finally spoke.

Chaeyoung nodded for the last time and waved us goodbye again before entering the wedding car waiting outside the venue. We all wished them the best, and they took off.

My friends and I gathered together to plan what to do next. "What you girls want to do tonight?" Jihyo asked.

Sana and Tzuyu looked at each other like they want to say something. "Uh, Tzuyu and I have plans this evening. So I think we're going to pass." Sana said while holding Tzuyu closer to her.

"Yeah, the same goes with me and Dahyun." Momo chuckled nervously about rejecting.

Jihyo shifted her way to Jeongyeon and I feeling betrayed already, "How about you two married couples? Do you have any plans too?" she asked while scowling at us.

I glance at Jeongyeon waiting for her answer. We actually didn't have any plans, but it seems like the two couples already have one. So I was thinking of movies or just road trips for tonight.

However, Jeongyeon spoke. "I, uh, I don't know." she sounded dumb answering.

Jihyo just nodded, "Okay then. Since everyone already has a plan. Well, I guess I have to call my boyfriend and have a date too."

We were all stunned by her sudden confession about having a boyfriend. 

"You have a boyfriend?! When?!" I asked while shaking her shoulder.

"Yes, and just a month ago. You girls never ask me about my love life. That's why I didn't bother telling you." she laughed seeing our reaction.

Then we all departed our ways after having a small chat.

Jeongyeon and I went home after the wedding. It was already late in the afternoon so we decided to have an early dinner.

"What do you wanna eat?" she asked while her eyes on the road.

"Anything will do, Janggo."

As we arrived home, both of us threw ourselves in bed as we felt tired from the event. I laid down while cuddling with her.

"I miss getting married to you," Jeongyeon suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. It's been a year since I marry this woman. But still, she can say these words without making my heart fluttered like it was the first time.

"I mean I miss the feeling of being married to my wife." she got up and sat in front of me. "I want to marry you everyday, Nayeon. I want to feel being the luckiest woman in the world because I marry you." I smiled at what she just said.

"However, it won't even matter anymore if how many times I get to marry you. Because you know why?" she held my hand, "I get to see you every day and know that you are and will always be mine."

I straighten up myself to see her properly. I stared at her while my eyes about to tear up what she just said. I suddenly threw myself to her and pinned her down. I was on top of her trying to stop her from moving with my weight.

I leaned closer for a kiss, "You will always be mine, Jeongyeon. And know that no matter how many times we get to marry, you will always have me too."

"I love you, Nabongs," she whispered.

"I love you too, Janggo." I watched my wife staring at me like I'm the prettiest woman alive.

I will always be the lucky one because I marry this dork.

I suddenly heard my stomach grumbled. She laughed out loud as I felt embarrassed. I hit her forehead and quickly jumped out of the bed. I quickly ran out of the room as I saw her get up while rubbing her forehead.

"You'll regret this, Im Nayeon!" I heard her shout inside the room.

It was always like that. I married this dork, and we both acted like kids inside our home. However, despite all the immaturities filled in our home, we never stop loving each other since then.

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