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"Jeongyeon, I can't meet your sisters yet!" I shouted.

"Wae? Wae?" she was laughing at me. Isn't it obvious? I was too damn nervous to meet her sisters.

"I'm not ready. Am I meeting your parents too?" I asked while breathing heavily. I felt panicked inside me.

"Nope. Both of them are out of town for business. Plus, we don't live with our parents. We have our own home in the city." she explained. I started to chill.

"Wait, why am I meeting your sisters anyway?" I was already calm. I looked at her while her eyes focused on the road.

"I don't know," she took a turn to a building. Then she parked the car in a basement. They're living in a condo. "Let's go?" she took her car key and went out. So I did.

I felt my sweat inside my hoodie. I was nervous following her to the elevator. I felt uneasy with this. Jeongyeon noticed how my hands jitter. She held one of my hand and I looked up to her.

"Relax, they won't bite." she gave me a confident smile. I smiled still in doubt. I intertwined my hand to hers. She beamed looking at it.

Ding! I heard the elevator and it opened. We arrived on the 12th floor of the building. We walked silently and stopped in front of room 122.

She knocked on the door twice. Then the door automatically opened. It was one of her sisters opened the door.

"Annyeong!" Jeongyeon's sister greeted.

"Hey, unnie." Jeogyeon greeted back. Her sister opened the door widely for us to get in.

"Are they here?!" someone shouted. "Yeah!" her other sister in front of us shouted back.

"By the way, I'm Yoo Seungyeon. I'm the eldest sister. Nice to meet you." she held out her hand.

I instantly grabbed her hand for a handshake. I bowed and introduced myself as well, "Annyeonghaseyo! My name's Im Nayeon. Nice to meet you too, Seungyeon-ssi." I smiled timidly.

"Aigoo, you can call me unnie, Nayeon." she smiled.

Then I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the room, " Hey! I'm sorry. I was taking a shower." it was Jeongyeon's other sister.

"Hi! I'm Yoo Seoyeon. Jeongyeon's second sister." she held out her hand as well. "I'm-"

"Im Nayeon," she butted in and winked. "I already know your name." she beamed.

I chuckled and bowed. Both of the sisters are really pretty. No wonder Jeongyeon had this kind of beauty from her family.

Jeongyeon was watching us quietly. "Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon, I baked something. Go prepare it. We'll take care of Nayeonie." she obediently followed Seungyeon unnie.

"I also made tea, Nayeonie. Let's stay on the balcony while waiting." Seoyeon unnie told me. I just nodded.

The three of us went out of the living room. Both of the sisters were very entertaining. However, I still felt nervous being with them.

The balcony had a small round table with four chairs. I sat one of the chairs silently.

"Loosen up a little, Nayeonie. We just wanna meet you. We've been curious about our little sister." Seoyeon unnie patted my back.

"I'm sorry. It's just that this is so sudden. I'm very nervous about meeting you two," I rubbed my nape. "I didn't even wear appropriate clothes for this." I was fidgeting my fingers without looking at them.

"Jeongyeon fooled you, didn't she?" Seoyeon unnie laughed. I slowly looked at them. They were laughing.

"Uh, y-yeah. She told me that we'll just drive around. Then suddenly she told me I'll be meeting you two." I felt my voice shaking.

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