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Finally, it's Jihyo's birthday! I finished my work quickly and asked my boss for an early dismissal. He didn't hesitate to let me go earlier than my usual time since I'm a good employee of his.

"Everything is all set, Atty. If you need anything, call me okay?" I told him.

"No need, Nayeon-ssi. You need a break too. I'm just glad you have an outing with your friends. Don't mind your job for this weekend, arraseo?"

I nodded and smiled at him. I'm so lucky to have him as a boss. The reason why I never left this firm because of his attitude. He's very well-mannered and also a gentleman.
I quickly left the building and called Momo, "Momoring, where are you? I just got out of work."

"We're still at the dance studio. Why don't you drop here first then we'll go to the mall to buy our stuff?"

"Sure, just send me the address."

I ended the call and already received Momo's message. In my surprised, their dance studio wasn't that far from my workplace. But still, I decided to take a cab because I'm too lazy to walk or even take a bus.

As I arrived at their studio, I went to the front desk and asked where Momo and Mina are. The lady in charge told me they're at the locker room.

I went directly there and saw my friends fixing themselves.

"Hey, girls." I greeted them.


"Hey, Nayeon!"

They greeted me back. Momo was wearing a plain black v-neck shirt, denim pants and a pair of boots. While Mina was wearing a white shirt with a denim jacket, some shorts and a pair of Nike. Both of them looked pretty.

"Yah! Stop drooling over us. Aren't we pretty?" Momo teased.

I scoffed, "I'm prettier than you two. Come on, let's go. I haven't got my swimsuit yet." I walked out of the locker room.

"Eh? Unnie, it's been a month since Jihyo invited you to her birthday. But still, you haven't bought one?" Mina blurted.

"Yah! I'm a busy woman, okay? I have no time buying stuff like that."

"I thought you have your weekends free?" Momo asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I'm too lazy, okay? I spend most of my weekends at home." I confessed about my lazy ass to them.

"That is so not you, unnie." Mina chuckled while saying it.

"I know," I answered. "Well, people really changed. Sometimes for the worst. But no worries, I would change back. Maybe soon I will." I smiled showing my bunny teeth. Assuring them with my positive vibes.

We took a cab and went to the mall. It was already around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Jihyo's party will start at dinner time. Maybe around 7-ish in the evening.

We quickly looked around and bought some necessities for the party. I was told that we'll be staying at the resort until Sunday morning. It was indeed an outing with my friends.

Momo led us to a stall that sells swimwear. I looked through all the things inside.

"Nayeonie, you should wear this one." Momo picked a black two-piece. My eyes widened.

"Hell, no. I'm not wearing that." I walked away from.

"Yah! Unnie! It's a nice two-piece. Come on, for us?" Mina pleaded.

"No! I'm ashamed of my body. I don't have abs like you two." I protested. And yes, it's true. I no longer have my abs anymore.

"But you still have your curves, unnie. Curves are sexier than abs." Mina beamed at me like a pervert.

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