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Yoo Jeongyeon, the girl who caught me off guard because of her beauty, is finally mine. I mean come on, no person would ever reject her. I knew from that night at Jihyo's party, something will happen. Or maybe I assume too much that I prayed and wished that there will be. Who would've thought this woman in front of me would have an interest in me?

Jeongyeon was still holding me in her arms. I felt home as we both stayed like this for a long time. I pulled myself away and stared at her.

"Thank you for tonight, Janggo. It was indeed special." I softly caressed her cheek with my thumb.

"You're always welcome, Nabong." she grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"Let's go home? It's getting late." I entwined my hand with hers and we walked back to her car.

I remembered it'll be the first night of my 2-week staycation at her place. It only took 10 minutes for us to arrive at their place. We walked hand in hand again going up to their room.

Jeongyeon has been quiet for the whole time. But it didn't bother me. It was more like she was giving me enough time to settle down and ready myself for this first night. As soon as I sat in her car and realized I'll be alone with her for the whole 2 weeks, I got anxious and afraid.

However, I did try getting myself into the positive side. I think about what can we do during our free time. But unexpectedly the scene that we almost did 'it' popped in my head. Calm down, Nayeon! I mentally slapped myself.

"I'll take a shower first." I went inside the guest room. I pulled out some of my clothes and my other needs.

I heard a knock on the door, "Can I come in?" I nodded at Jeongyeon as I saw her peeking.

I tried composing myself from this anxious feeling as she stepped closer to me. I dropped the clothes I picked when I felt her arms around me. Her head rested on my shoulder while I stand still.

"Stay in my room tonight, Nabong," I shivered as I felt her breath on my neck.

"I will," I gave her an assuring smile. Jeongyeon then stole a kiss from me. I was startled with her sudden gesture. She laughed nervously.

"Yah!" I was speechless after. I lowered my head to avoid her eyes. I was embarrassed.

"Now, go take a shower and we'll rest after. Okay? I'll wait for you in my room. It's in the left corner." she kissed me quickly and went out of the room.

I inhaled and exhaled to focus on my breathing. I can't let this anxious feeling overruled me. It'll make Jeongyeon worry. After I took a quick shower, I went inside her room without knocking. She was already on her bed, fiddling with her phone.

I walked closer to her at a slow pace. My eyes wandered the place. She had a small and simple room. It was very peaceful and warm. I just love its ambient. She didn't have enough things filled inside.

"You love my room?" I saw an excitement in her eyes.

"Yeah. It's nice." I showed a small smile as I look at her.

She tapped the empty side of her bed. She was already with her sleeping clothes. At first, I was hesitant to come closer as I felt uneasy about this situation again. It's not that I don't want to sleep beside her, that time we almost did it made me to.

My pace made me delay in getting near to her. "Are you okay?" Jeongyeon suddenly asked.

"Uh, I...I'm okay," then I sat instantly beside her.

"Are you sure? You seem uncomfortable." she knew it.

"I'm just tired of our night." I smiled shyly. Suddenly Jeongyeon was giving me a back hug which surprised me. I flinched as I felt her arms around me. She didn't speak while I was in her arms. I felt her breath and chin on my shoulder. She was comfortable with her position.

I smiled at the thought she was very clingy and touchy. I love it when she does this. It makes me feel safe and its serenity making me breathe calmly. For awhile, I forgot I was nervous.

"Nabong?" she whispered in my ear which gave me goosebumps again.


She let go of her arms and I felt her moved her way in front of me. Suddenly, her face was slowly leaning against me. I knew that moment she was about to kiss me. My heartbeat can't contain its normal beat. It went faster the closer Jeongyeon's face moving towards mine.

I shut my eyes as I felt her lips. She kissed me softly and I kissed her back. She grabbed my face while focusing on my lips. She was asking for an entrance as she softly bit my lower lip. I no longer halted and just gave in. Our tongue played which each other, eager to feel every kiss we both give.

She pushed my body slowly trying to lay me on bed. She was already on top of me pinning me down. Both of us didn't break the kiss. A minute later, we both got aggressive with each other's lips. I tried restraining myself from her but she was forcefully trying to stop me. She was getting pushy with her might. I knew where this is going.

I pulled myself to break the kiss. I saw her expression. She was startled and confused. I pushed her a little to let myself get up and sit. I gave a peck on her cheek. "Not tonight," I mumbled under my breath.

She gave a tight smile and caressed my cheek with her thumb. "I'm sorry if I was pushy. I got carried away."

I knew I wasn't ready to do it with anyone else. Even with Jeongyeon. I can't let myself drown with my anxiety while doing it with her. I know I still can't do it. I know myself very well. I heaved silently while catching my breath because of our make out.

I already felt myself getting turn on with her kisses but I didn't want to proceed. I just want to make things perfect with her first. And yes, I blame my ex-girlfriend about it.

"Nabong?" Jeongyeon called out for my name noticing I was staring blankly to nowhere.

I blinked rapidly waking up myself to reality. "Yeah?"

"Let's go to sleep?"

I sighed deeply while pursing my lips. I was doubtful if I should lie on her bed.

"Promise, I won't do anything. No monkey business." she assured that she won't.

I laid down on the other side of the bed. Jeongyeon stood up and turned out the lights. She tucked me in as I shut my eyes close.

"Good night, Nabong." I felt her lips on my forehead. I hummed as I already felt the drowsiness kicked in. When she climbed back to bed, I didn't feel any arms wrapped around me. So I decided to do it instead. I shifted my way to her back and hugged her. I buried my face on her back and smelled herself well. That's when I knew I drifted myself to dreamland.

I'm sorry if this chapter is kinda bit shitty and short. I was busy the whole weekend. I'll update the sooner I got my free time and do it better.

Please, don't forget to vote. It helps me motivate to write more and better. Hehe~
But anyways, thank you for supporting! :)
- 단팥

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