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Jeongyeon has been stressing out with her business for days. Two of her best employees already quit with just a snap of a finger. It's been five days since Saturday night and I saw her overworking herself while finding a new replacement since then.

She stays at home for a few minutes after getting me from work then leaves later. I've missed her already.

"I'll be going now. I can't join dinner again. I'm sorry." she quickly kissed my cheek and rushed out.

I was left wordless as she slammed the front door. I flinched when the door hits the wall. "I guess I'm alone again." 

Jeongyeon's POV

I fucking hate myself for being this unfair to Nayeon. I've been busy for days already. I don't want to leave Nayeon alone. She only has two days left living with me. And I haven't done anything productive for my girlfriend.

It was a Thursday afternoon as I waited for her outside her workplace. I hummed with the music tuned in my car's radio when I suddenly heard my phone buzzing for its new message received.

 I hummed with the music tuned in my car's radio when I suddenly heard my phone buzzing for its new message received

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I panicked as I read Jisoo's name on my phone. I hated this bitch. I looked at the time, it was already past 5 o'clock and Nayeon was nowhere to be found.

My grip on the steering wheel tightens as I felt uneasy with meeting Jisoo tonight. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to calm down. I heard a knock on the window. It was Nayeon waving while showing her bunny smile.

She quickly went inside and gave me a quick peck, "Sorry for keeping you waiting. I was stuck helping Dahyun with something." I forced myself to smile in return.

"How was your day, Janggo?" I heard her asked. My eyes were on the road.

I don't know why but I can't tell her I'm meeting Jisoo tonight. I tried organizing my head before answering. I felt her stare at me, she was waiting for an answer.

I coughed a little to clear out the awkward atmosphere, "Uh, it was fine. I ran some errands and went directly here." I saw her nodded.

"How about you?" I asked back.

"Normal. Nothing special."

I glance at my girlfriend who seemed to be engrossed with the view outside. I love watching her enjoying like a kid. Then I suddenly felt guilty not telling her about Jisoo but I have to face this problem alone.

As we both arrived at the condo, Nayeon grabbed me into a tight back hug. "I miss you. You've been really busy these days," she whispered with her face buried in my back.

My chest felt a pang with her words. I turned around to see her face. Her eyes were getting teary. I feel shit for being a worse girlfriend to this precious woman in front of me.

"I'll make it up to you, okay?" I held her face. I had no choice but to leave as it was almost 6 PM.

"I'll be going now. I can't join dinner again. I'm sorry." Every word released felt like a knife cutting me deep as I saw Nayeon's reaction. And I hate myself because of it.

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