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I stared at Jisoo like she's no one important, well she is though. She stepped outside and removed her sunglasses. She had this smug on her face that annoys me.

"I guess you already know me," she said in front of me.

"Yeah. What do you want? I'm in a hurry." I impatiently asked.

"To where? To see Jeongyeon?" I noticed how she scoffed. "Are you sure about that?" she asked again. I didn't answer. "You see, the only reason Jeongyeon did what she did is because of her business' at stake. She can't lose her business over you."

My eyes widened, confused about what she said. "What? You don't know anything?" she added. "You poor thing, Jeongyeon agreed on being mine again. Plus," Jisoo paused and showed how annoying she can be, "She agreed on kissing me that night." she licked her lower lip and smirked. "I missed those lips of hers."

I stopped myself from hitting this woman in front of me. Just a little bit push by her, I could just punch her. However, her last words made me stop too. I felt my knees tremble as it feels weak.

"Well, I gotta go now. Do you still want to see her and ask her yourself?" Jisoo said while slowly went back inside her car.

I wasn't able to say anything back. It's like my mind went blank after knowing Jeongyeon purposely did what she did.

"Or not," Jisoo added and revved her car. I was left speechless and dropped the floor after she took off.

I heaved as I tried to catch my breath. I went back inside to my apartment and that's when I broke to tears again. I tried convincing myself Jeongyeon wasn't the type of person that can do such a thing. I wanted to believe everything was a lie.

However, Jisoo's word kept on replaying inside my head. And the scenery that they both kissed, I can't help but scream in agony.

"How could she?!" I shouted as tears proceeding to fall.

I decided not to see her. If I may, not to see her ever again. I called Momo and Mina to come over.

Jeongyeon's POV

It's already night time but Nayeon hasn't arrived yet. The doctor asked me to stay one more night to make sure I haven't got any infections or whatsoever due to my wound.

Seoyeon unnie stayed with me together with Chaeyoung. Sana and Tzuyu also visited me and stayed for a while. They've been worried too.

I tried calling Nayeon but she was out of reach. I got worried as I kept on dialing her phone but still, I can't contact her.

"Chaeyoung," I called.

"Yeah, you need anything?" she stood up and went to my bed.

"I can't contact Nayeon. Maybe something's wrong." I said being bothered already.

"Wait, I'll call Mina." she dialed her phone then a few seconds later Mina probably answered, "Mina? Is Nayeon with you?" she swiftly moved her phone away from her ear.

"Yah! Calm down, Momoring!" it was Momo who she was talking to. "Yah! Wait!" Chaeyoung looking confused after the call ended.

"What did she say?" I asked. "Momo unnie took Mina's phone and told me to fuck off because I'm a friend of a-" she paused and whispered, "cheater and a liar."

"What?" what the fuck just happened?

"I think Nayeon unnie already knew." Chaeyoung continued lowering her voice.

Wait, what? How? I started to panic even more as to realize Nayeon already knew everything. I should be the one to tell her before she misunderstands everything! I continuously kept on moving as I felt uneasy again.

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