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I woke up with a clanging sound outside my room. I opened my eyes annoyed with the sound. I stretched my arms and checked the empty side of my bed. She was gone.

I got up from my bed and checked myself in the mirror. I looked tired. I tried fixing my hair to look more decent.

I went out of my room and saw Jeongyeon doing something in the kitchen. I suddenly smelt something that made my stomach grumbled. I was famished with the smell of bacon Jeongyeon was cooking.

I quietly sat on the counter and waited for her to see me. Her hair was in a small bun and still wearing the clothes I gave her last night.

When she was done, she placed the bacon on the plates. I saw eggs, pancakes, and milk on the dining table. She prepared breakfast. Although it was past breakfast time.

"Good morning," she greeted first. I saw the time it was past noon already.

I chuckled, "You meant afternoon," I stood up and sat on the dining table. "Did you wake up early for this?" I asked her.

She went near me and placed the plate with bacon on the table. "I suddenly woke up when I felt your leg around me. It was heavy," she chuckled.

"You're lying," I told her.

"Nope, I tried sleeping back but your leg made me uncomfortable. That's why I slowly removed it. And decided to get up to cook for you." she beamed like a kid this time.

I was just staring at her and did not say anything. "Eat up, Nayeon-ssi. We already skipped breakfast."

"Okay, whatever. But I'm pretty sure you're still lying." she just laughed quietly and joined me. I took a bite on my bacon, it was good. We both ate in silence.

"So," Jeongyeon looking at me while she munched. "What are your plans for the weekend?" she asked.

I shrugged, "I'm usually lazy on the weekends, so none." I took another bite of pancakes this time.

"Why? Don't you have interests in other things?"

I shook my head telling her no, "Told you, I'm plain and boring." I winked at her. Then I continued with my food.

"Okay, then. Can I stay and be lazy with you for today?" she asked me. I was surprised.

"What? Why? Don't you have other plans or business or whatever to attend to?" I quickly asked her back.

She grabbed her phone and checked on something, "Well," she started scrolling down. "I have none. So I'm free today." she put down her phone. She smiled again while moving her eyebrows up and down.

"Whatever you say." I stood up and placed my plates on the sink. I washed my hands and drank a full glass of milk.

"So, what do you wanna do for today?" I asked her.

"I'll go home first to get some clothes and maybe buy some food. You have something in mind?"

I tapped my chin with my index finger while thinking. "I'm not craving for anything though," I told her.

"Arraseo," she was done with her meal and placed the dishes on the sink. "Well, I'll go now. I'll be back, okay?" she patted my head like a child.

"Okay," I nodded.

Jeongyeon walked inside my room, "Anyways, I'll change first."

As she got inside, I went into my study to check important emails from work. I wore my eyeglasses and started to scan through my inbox. Luckily, I got none. So I was free for the weekend.

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