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Jeongyeon's POV

It was like the first time I had my heartbreak as I saw the love of my life running away from me. I knew that moment, I can no longer feel anything aside from the pain in my chest. I felt my knees tremble as I saw her running with Seungcheol towards his car.

I fell as my body weakens with this ache. I didn't give a single fuck with my wounded hand anymore. I saw it ooze with my blood, but it didn't alarm me.

"Jeongyeon, your hand!" Jisoo uttered with panic.

"Take me home and change this bandage," I said while trying to get up.

Jisoo drove us home fast. I was silent during the whole ride and my hand was a mess because of the blood again. Jisoo didn't talk either.

As we arrived home, I meant by Jisoo's place, she quickly grabbed the medicine kit and started to change the bandage.

I observed how she takes good care of my hand quietly, "Why are you doing this, Jisoo?" I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean this. You must be desperate in having me back that you have to drag me here." I hissed frankly wanting to let out the anger I have right now.

"You really know nothing yet, do you?" she uttered.

She looked at me in the eyes after wrapping the fresh bandage. It wasn't the Jisoo I encountered a few days ago. She was different ever since I live here.

Her phone rang suddenly, "Excuse me for a sec. I need to take this." she went away farther enough not to hear her. I leaned closer because of my curiosity.

"Yes, sir? She's fine now." that's all I heard from her conversation. After ending the call, she went back to me checking my hand again.

She took a deep breath before talking. "This isn't my plan, Jeongyeon," she uttered suddenly. I looked up to her curiously.

"It was your father's plan all along. He wanted me to have you because my father's business is at stake. Not yours." she added.

What the fuck does this bitch mean?

"My father's business was bankrupt just a few months ago. Your father is a good friend of my father. That's why he asked help to your father. But the only thing he wanted us to do is to lure you and have me as your girlfriend." is this even real right now?

"He was against you being a lesbian. But he's fine to let you be in a relationship if it's with me because of my name. My father agreed on having a high percentage share with your father if I already have you. That's why he keeps on calling me from time to time to check on you."

I fist my hand trying to gather all my emotions and ready to punch someone. I greeted my teeth thinking how could my father do this to me.

"So it was all an act how you desperately wanted me back?" I snapped out and already yelled at her. My sudden burst surprised Jisoo.

She paused for a moment and tried to calm me down, "I'm sorry, Jeongyeon. I should have told you earlier. But I'm scared of my father too. I had my reasons that's why I did all I can do just to have you again."

I glowered at her with my eyes filled with anger, rage, and confusion, "Why? I mean why? Aren't you rich enough to help your father instead?!" I screamed at her.

"Do you think I haven't done that?! My father doesn't want help from his stepdaughter. That man despises me, Jeongyeon. Even though he is like that, I have a reputation to maintain because I am a successful businesswoman. I don't want to hear another news the next morning that I abandon him. You don't know what my father can do." Jisoo finally snapped too.

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