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The next day, I was a mess. A real fucking mess. I haven't got much sleep I needed. Chaeyoung and I drank until both of us can no longer drink any more. I dropped her again at her house and I went home. Even though I was tired as fuck, my mind won't let me sleep. But who cares anyway? I'm currently here at the airport waiting for my sisters. Any minute now, they'll be here.

I drove my sister's car and I'm inside waiting for them. I was forced to get up even if my body feels shit and sore. Anyhow, I still have to do it. A few minutes have passed, Seungyeon unnie already called telling me they already arrived. I went out of the car to meet them.

As I walked through the waiting area, I saw them already. "Jeongyeon!" Seoyeon unnie waved her hand for me to see them.

"How was your flight?" I asked them while they handed me their luggage.

"Tiring. Let's go home. I'm beat," Seoyeon unnie complained.

"By the way, where's Nayeon?" Seungyeon unnie asked which made me ache for her presence here.

I didn't answer and just walked back to the car. "Did you two fight? You're a wreck." Seoyeon noticed my puffy eyes and messy hair. I was just wearing my hoodie and eyeglasses. It was clear I wasn't my usual self.

"What happened?" Seungyeon unnie asked as well settled ourselves inside the car.

I let out a sigh, "Nothing, unnie. It's just a small misunderstanding."

Yeah, kissing your ex-girlfriend in front of your current girlfriend is just a small misunderstanding. Great, Jeongyeon. Just great.

I mentally murdered myself while telling unnie it's just a small misunderstanding. I drove back to the unit without delay. I just wanna head back to bed and escape this feeling. Even if it's just temporary.

"I'm gonna call Nayeon. I bought a lot of things for her." Seungyeon unnie said.

"I'm sure she won't agree," I responded.

As we all arrived at the condo, I walked tiredly carrying their huge luggage. I had no strength to carry them but I still forced myself to do it.

I threw them away as we reached the unit. I hurried myself heading to my room to avoid my sisters. Without a doubt, I made myself comfy in my bed and closed my eyes.

However, luck wasn't on my side again since I have a sister like Seoyeon unnie.

"Yah! Jeongyeon! Come out for a sec." she shouted on the other side of the door and kept on knocking.

I grunted getting up from my bed. I opened the door with annoyance stuck in my face, "What?!"

"You seem cranky." Seoyeon was shocked by my attitude.

"I lack sleep, okay?"

"Okay, whatever. We can't contact Nayeon. So give this to her instead." she handed me a bag full of goodies inside. "I can't meet her." then I was rude to my sister. I closed the door instantly without accepting the bag.

"Yah! Yoo Jeongyeon!!!" she continued screaming but I ignored her and threw myself again in bed.

Moments later, my phone kept on ringing. I got a phone call again. It was Jisoo. Still annoyed, I answered it.

"Hello, Jeongyeon. Meet me tonight." I sighed as I heard her.


"Your bar." she ended the call without waiting for me to respond.

I went out of the room as I felt hungry. I haven't eaten anything again. I heard my two sisters talking in the dining room with a cup of tea.

"How are you?" Seungyeon unnie asked as I sat beside her.

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