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The next morning, Jeongyeon and I decided to go shopping for groceries. Since their supplies were about to run out. Also, her unnies told us about it. Seungyeon unnie and Seoyeon unnie already arrived in Paris. They had jetlags because of the time differences happening in Seoul and Paris. I can still remember how Seungyeon unnie squealed so loud during our call when she knew about my relationship with her little sister.

"Ahh!!! I'm so happy for you two! I'm glad Jeongyeon's plans worked!" that was her reaction when I honestly confessed to her.

Seoyeon unnie was just teasing Jeongyeon about being a coward that she needed advice from her unnies before she makes a move. It was fun talking with the sisters while Jeongyeon's cheeks were red for the whole duration of our call.

After our fun chat, we went directly to the grocery store to buy our supplies. Jeongyeon and I walked silently while picking up the things we needed. Well, specifically she picked a lot of ramyun.

"We don't need that much of ramyun, you know?" I told her as she grabbed every kind of ramyun seen on the shelf.

"I just want to try them all." she chuckled while putting them all at once in the cart. I just shook my head and let her be.

Our grocery shopping didn't take much longer than we expected. We both decided to grab some coffee first before heading back. We went to one coffee shop near the store. Jeongyeon ordered us our drinks while I looked for seats.

All of a sudden, I saw two familiar figures in one table. Both of them were like having fun as their atmosphere was full of laughter. I went near them, as expected their expressions were filled with surprises when they saw me.

"So you two dating now?" I smirked while as I asked them.

"Unnie, we were just-" Mina wasn't able to answer me.

Chaeyoung can't look me in the eyes. She was avoiding my gaze and lowered her head. I noticed how uneasy Mina was because of my unexpected appearance to them.

"Aigoo, chill you two. It's not like I'm against you two dating." still no response was heard from them.

Then I felt Jeongyeon's presence beside me. "Well, this is interesting," she uttered while a teasing smile attached on her lips.

"Aish, shut up, Jeongyeon." Chaeyoung finally blurted out.

"You want us to join them or we'll just find another seat?" Jeongyeon asked me.

"We'll find another seat. Seems like we disturbed them." Mina and Chaeyoung were still in silence. Jeongyeon agreed. We were about to leave when Mina spoke. "Unnie, you can stay and join us. We were just talking."

I looked at Chaeyoung, her face seemed confused with Mina. I wanted to join them but it was visible in Chaeyoung's expression that doesn't agree with Mina.

"It's okay, Mina. We can find another seat. You two have fun talking," I said.

"Yeah," Jeongyeon agreed.

"See you guys later." I waved them goodbye and slowly walked away while intertwined my hands to Jeongyeon.

"Yah!" I heard Chaeyoung called us.

Jeongyeon and I faced them again still holding hands. "Yes?" I asked.

"You two dating?" Chaeyoung asked instantly with her eyebrow raised. I wasn't able to answer.

"Yeah. She's my girlfriend now, Chaeyoungie if you want to ask that too." Jeongyeon directly told her that got me flabbergasted this time with her confidence.

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