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We had a lot of fun with the activities Jihyo prepared for us. Especially when she let us ride the jetskis her father recently bought. She even asked their employees to lend us the banana boat they have.

There was a moment Jeongyeon drove the jetski, and Mina, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and I were seated at the banana boat connected with the jetski. Jeongyeon purposely drove the jetski faster than usual that made us four fell from the ride. Jihyo panicked, however, she calmed down when she saw laughing as we got out of water.

I personally enjoyed our day. It has been years since I had this kind of trip with my friends. I'm just thankful Atty. Lee let me have this kind of short vacation.

Anywho, Jeongyeon wasn't paying much attention to me. Well, I didn't really mind though, I was distracted the whole time with the girls. And it seemed she was too.

After our day went by, we all went back to our room and cleaned ourselves. Jihyo told us we'll be having a bonfire for our last night at the resort.

I took a quick shower after the girls did. I wore my sweatpants and a huge hoodie. The weather was cold that's why I wore such comfy clothing.

I went out of the room and walked through the kitchen to get some water. I saw Mina and Chaeyoung preparing the meat that we'll be grilling. While Sana and Tzuyu were washing the vegetables.

"The bonfire is ready, girls. And the grill is already there." Jihyo announced. "Nayeon, can you bring the plates and utensils?" she asked.

"Sure, not a prob." I took eight plates and eight utensils from its container.

The others went to the bonfire and I followed them. I saw Jeongyeon with the drinks. What I meant by drinks were just sodas and juices. I mentally slapped myself because I was thirsty for some alcohol again.

As we arrived at the location, it felt so peaceful. All I can hear was the sound of waves by the ocean, the crackling from the woods burned, and the laughter coming from my friends.

Jihyo and Mina started grilling the meat while others were just chatting around. I sat down on the piece of wood that was placed near the fire.

I stretched out my arms to feel the warmth coming from the fire. I suddenly felt someone sat beside me. "Are you cold?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied without looking at her.

"So, Nayeon-ssi." she started, "Can I still see you after this trip?" she asked.

"Of course, Jeongyeon-ssi." I smiled looking at her.

"Great. You still owe me that date I told you last night." she beamed like a kid.

"I don't owe you anything," I pursed my lips thinking what to say next. "Plus, I don't think I answered 'yes' last night," I added.

"I asked you if it's a yes or yes, right?" she chuckled.

"Yah!" I slapped her shoulder with her teasing.

"I'm just kidding." she laughed, "But I was serious about what I told you last night, I'm interested in you. I wanna know you better. And it's okay if you want us to be friends first." she explained. I was surprised by this unusual side of Jeongyeon. I mean her being considerate. Well, she is before this. Ugh! I'm confused.

I pursed my lips again and nodded like a child. "Thank you, Jeongyeon. I also wanna know you better too." I told her back.

The night was getting fun again after we all ate our dinner. Jihyo brought drinks in front of us. This time, I meant alcoholic drinks. I knew my eyes were sparkling like glitters as I saw the liquid form of happiness I desperately wanted.

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