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"Jeongyeon's leaving tonight, Nayeon." Jihyo repeated.

I scoffed as I heard those words from her.

"And that's my problem because...?" I mockingly told her.

"Unnie! Jeongyeon unnie told us everything! The truth behind every act Jisoo did to you both." it was Mina who butted in.

I saw Momo's reaction like she didn't care about what's happening. However, she surprised me when she finally spoke. "Let's explain things to Nayeon during the ride to the airport. There's no time."

Chaeyoung went inside my apartment looking for a jacket to grab quickly. Luckily I had one in my living room. I grabbed my keys lazily, and they all grabbed me faster to Jihyo's car.

Momo was in the front seat and us three at the back seat. Jihyo started the engine and drove off.

"Now, could you all please let me understand what the hell is going on?!" I asked them impatiently that I felt my veins popping in my forehead.

"Jisoo confessed to Jeongyeon about the real plan. It was never Jisoo's intention to steal Jeongyeon back to her. It was their fathers'. Cutting the story short, Jisoo was under her father's spell that made her do all those things to Jeongyeon." Chaeyoung explained.

"They both faked the revelation at the party earlier to make their fathers believed they do have a relationship and will leave Seoul for good to live together. It was all an act, unnie. Not a single thing happened was real!"

I can't believe this is happening. Why things are getting more complicated than I imagine? Is this even the most real thing possible to happen? My head is spinning trying to believe every detail they were telling me.

"So none of this happening was true?" I asked.

"Yes!" they all answered me in unison.

Jihyo quickly parked her car as we arrived, and we all went out rushing through the entrance of the International Departure area. Then I saw a familiar person standing and facing her back on us. I knew it was her waiting.

She turned around, and I quickly ran to her. I hugged her tightly as I reached to her, "I'm so sorry, Jeongyeon! Please, don't leave me." I sobbed while my face buried to her chest. I felt her arms wrapped around me. And I miss being in this place.

"You came!" she exclaimed as I was in her arms. "Shh, hush now. I'm sorry too for everything. I tried fighting for our relationship. But I wasn't strong enough. I'm sorry, Nayeon." she whispered to my ears. I cried harder thinking how stupid love can make us both. All this time, there was nothing wrong with our relationship at all.

I pulled myself to her face, "When are you coming back?" I asked her.

"I don't know." her face saddened. "But that depends on the situation with my father and Jisoo's. If things will do well, I'll definitely go back for you." she showed a small smile to make me feel assured. "I'll fix everything, okay? I promise you. Just wait for me."

I sniffed trying to compose myself, "I will. Where are you two going?"

"Milan, Italy. Jisoo and I made it sooner. I'm sorry for not telling you." 

"No, don't be. I should be the one who is sorry, Jeongyeon. For not trusting you and for not believing in you." I wiped my tears and looked at her again, "This time, I'm giving you all my trust that you will come back. I will wait."

Jeongyeon nodded and laughed like an idiot as her tears were still falling.

I saw Jisoo approaching us with a girl. "Hey," she greeted. She differed from the Jisoo I last saw. She was softer and gentler. "This is my girlfriend, Rosé." we both greeted Rosé, and she did the same. Rosé was pretty too.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you two, but we need to leave, Jeongyeon. The plane just arrived and we need to get on board now." Jisoo timidly told us.

I started to cry again as Jeongyeon hugged me for the last time. "I will miss you, Nayeon. I'll make it up to you when I get back, okay?" she whispered.

I just kept on nodding to her, "I'll miss you too, Jeongyeon. Call me every day, okay? I want to hear your voice."

I pulled away to see Jisoo, "Please, take care of her." I told her. Then I saw Jeongyeon saying her goodbyes to our friends.

"I will, Nayeon. I still owe you both. And I'm sorry for the commotion and causing you two a big trouble. I hope we could still make things work when we get back."Jisoo responded.

I nodded in response to Jisoo. Then they both walked away with her girlfriend leaving Jeongyeon and I staring at each other. I didn't hesitate to pull Jeongyeon for a goodbye kiss. I heard my friends squealed and cheered to us.

"I love you, Jeongyeon."

"I love you too, Nayeon." then she slowly started to step back. She waved for a goodbye causing my tears to flow even more. Then I saw her walked through the entrance of the gate.

It was the last time I saw her before she left. Her departure left me on my knees crying to see the love of my life leave.

Is this really the end? Hehehehehe~! Please don't forget to vote and comment! Love lotsss to the readers!!!
- 단팥

—Is this really the end? Hehehehehe~! Please don't forget to vote and comment! Love lotsss to the readers!!!- 단팥

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